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Copy Features


be more specific, please

you mean copy features in drawing mode? or copy features in part mode?

perhaps copy sections in sketcher,

please define your needs...

Sorry, I would like of copy features in the modeling, I went in Copy> ....... but after I dont know which references I'll go take.

Andre Almeida

Suppose we have a rectangular cut as the feature to have its copy.

We can make a copy with the following methods :

New Refs

Same Refs



Then we can select if the copy feature will be dependent or not by the first one.

We can also select a feature from another part in another window.

Lets try to make a copy with one by one of the above four ways

First we have the new refs command. Select the dimensions you want to change, click done. Enter the value of each one (that you picked before). Next the software highlights you the references that the current features uses and prompts from you to select if you want to keep these references or you want to define another. Of course you must select for three references. The placement plane and the x,y parameters.

Then we have the same references copy command. This command is similar with the above but the system takes as reference the old used references and doesn

Suppose we have a rectangular cut as the feature to have its copy.

We can make a copy with the following methods :

New Refs

Same Refs



Then we can select if the copy feature will be dependent or not by the first one.

We can also select a feature from another part in another window.

Lets try to make a copy with one by one of the above four ways

First we have the new refs command. Select the dimensions you want to change, click done. Enter the value of each one (that you picked before). Next the software highlights you the references that the current features uses and prompts from you to select if you want to keep these references or you want to define another. Of course you must select for three references. The placement plane and the x,y parameters.

Then we have the same references copy command. This command is similar with the above but the system takes as reference the old used references and doesn

