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Copy Geometry with Foundation II package


New member
It appears that pulish geometry is not available with the Foundation II package (v2001). So how can I copy a selection of datum curves into a new subassy? If I create a new assembly and then try to copy geometry I can't find any way to select datum curves. I also can't get the model tree of the model I'm copying from to display. That would be the easiest way to select the features I want to copy. What's the trick?

Bernie Hayden

Hi Bernie,

You need the advanced assembly extension for this functionality, as I've tried to do this myself with no luck. With the new Foundation Advantage package, you do get 'Merge from other model' but that's about it. Other than this I don't know of any other way. Like you I'd like to know if there is.

Jeff Taylor

Pure Digital
Have no fear my friends, I know the answer to this!!

If you do a MERGE or CUT OUT command in the assembly to a part, the part which was used for reference will copy all kinds of crap into the first part. (datum curves, cosmetic th'ds, surfaces, ect...)

So, to apply this to a part which you do not need to do a CUT OUT or MERGE to, you just need to make some dummy features.

But, alas, there is a potential downside here. Circular references are created very quickly when these copied curves are referenced, if you are not careful. You also must remember, when using CUT OUT or MERGE, that any features added to the referenced part made after the CUT OUT or MERGE will be copied into the other part when it is regenerated, which can also cause much headache, or more circular refs.

Hope this helps. If my description is too vague or confusing, shoot me an email & I'll try to help.
While having the reference geometry associative would have been nice it's not essential in this case and as gggggggggg points out might lead to more headaches than it's worth. This is what I did to get around the problem.

1st I did Save a Copy and set Type to IGES. Then in the Export IGES dialog box I selected only Datum Curves and Points. Some crafty use of Layers might be in order here but it's easier for me to deal with the extraneous data outside of ProE. I read the IGES file into Cadkey to do this. Then I Openned the IGES file in ProE which gave me the reference geometry as an Import Feature at the start of the model tree.

Pretty cludgy I know. Especially given how lame ProE is about dealing with imported geometry. I had thought to create a UDF using the geometry I wanted to reference. However that doesn't appear to be an option from Assembly mode. It's too bad PTC has choosen to make the ability to copy from one model to another an Advanced assembly feature when virtually every low end CAD system possesses that functionality.

While having the reference geometry associative would have been nice it's not essential in this case and as gggggggggg points out might lead to more headaches than it's worth. This is what I did to get around the problem.

1st I did Save a Copy and set Type to IGES. Then in the Export IGES dialog box I selected only Datum Curves and Points. Some crafty use of Layers might be in order here but it's easier for me to deal with the extraneous data outside of ProE. I read the IGES file into Cadkey to do this. Then I Openned the IGES file in ProE which gave me the reference geometry as an Import Feature at the start of the model tree.

Pretty cludgy I know. Especially given how lame ProE is about dealing with imported geometry. I had thought to create a UDF using the geometry I wanted to reference. However that doesn't appear to be an option from Assembly mode. It's too bad PTC has choosen to make the ability to copy from one model to another an Advanced assembly feature when virtually every low end CAD system possesses that functionality.


