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copying views to new drawing in 2001


New member
Is it even possible to copy or import an existing view into another drawing? I'm trying to satisfy a strange request and this would be a great time-saver.

Thanks in advance
Haven't tried this but from what comes to mind : merge the drawings, move the views from one sheet to another and delete the empty sheet.

If it's on disk it won't disappear I suppose. But being confronted with "Murphy" any place you go, it can't harm to keep a copy for safety.

Hi chriss<br style="font-weight: normal;">
<br style="font-weight: normal;">
We don't want to copy or Import the existing drawing. We can use overlay option. <br style="font-family: courier new,courier,mono;">
<br style="font-family: courier new,courier,mono;">
Pro/E 2001- Advanced>Overlay<br style="font-family: courier new,courier,mono;">
Pro/E Wildfire-2 -Tools>overlay

