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I do that, even pound randomly on the key board (like when Pro/E pop up menus, or hidden 'dashboard' commands stop me from doing what I wnat) but it doesn't seem to help. Perhaps if I try a different expletive?
goosemonster said:
What about mother-f*cking wankbag?

I use "YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SH*T!!" It doesn't bring my model back, but it makes me feel better.

Erich, you mentioned SolidWorks experience. We just had SolidWorks salesmen come in and do a demo. I expected them to claim their product was more stable, but they actually said all CAD products are susceptible to this because of Windows limitations. From your experience, is SolidWorks more stable, and by how much?
Here we go again!!!

I've crashed Pro/E 4 times in 2 hours this morning. Just Pro/E, not my system. Each time when I try to open the text symbol insert menu. I click the "custom" drop down button, and POOF! No more Pro/E.

I can't beleive a product with this many stability issues is so highly regarded.

"Oh but it is such a powerful tool" well so are many things, but only when the operate in a consistant, reliable, predescribed manner. Pro/E seems to be reliably and consistantly predescribed to frustrate and infuriate all be the die-hard user.
Make it 5 times!
Seems I cna reliable shut down Pro/E without having to deal with the shut down confirmation by simply trying to open, place, or edit a drawing symbol. How convienent! Anyone else experience this?
I'm not a huge Pro-E fan, but I and others here, it seems don't expeience nearly the crashes you do... So it would lead me to believe it is a hardware or software or driver issue. Again, the latest drivers are NOT always the best. You need to use tested and approved drivers.

I manage to crash Pro-E mainly if I load more than 2 large assemblies. It will occasionally (once a week maybe?) crash while doing something simple... Overall, the crashes don't impact my productivity much.

Check your drivers to the approved drivers list. Have you contacted tech support yet?
Hello Erich, I too have had this problem.

What mouse are you using?

The latest microsoft mouse drivers create the problem you are speaking of.

I converted back to my Intellimouse Optical, including drivers and have had no problem since. Point32.exe is the driver you need to have running.

See if this helps.
Sounds obvious, but you need to make sure every thing is compatable.

Way back I was running Windows NT, with a NVIDA card and the 'latest' driver.

Turned out the latest driver was for XP and I needed an older one the was no-longer available. To solve my problem I had to either change my graphics card or OS.

Switched to XP with correct driver for graphics card and everything worked great.

I know PTC aren't great with support, but forsomething like this they will have a large list of stuff thats causes conflicts. Give them and ring, after all thats what we all pay maintenance for isn't it?
I'm running a Logitech Mx500 mouse...same as every other engineer here. I seem to be the only one crashing this often.

I just looked at PTC, 40.8 Mb help files download...get real, I canceled that when the time to complete reached 21+ minutes. May a web based browse option guys? C'mon!

