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creating fast rounds on multiple edges


New member
I often have to create rounds around embossed or engraved logos or text features. Is there any fast way to select all the edges (top, side + bottom) of those features to create the rounds, or is there any way to apply the rounds to all the edges of those features at once?

Any tricks welcome...

Someone emailed me the solution below which sounds great but which I can't seem to figure out in WF 1.0. I can't find the draft offset > normal to surf. option...

Any help greatly appreciated...


For text logo or grove you can use Draft Offset feat. options. You will be able to create text with round on top and bottom with draft: Feat.-Create-Tweak-Draft offset-Norm to surf.-offset (or translate)-sel. ref. surface for text-Done-Create sk. plane and select text or grove (with loop go fast-tangent for radius(normal without)-offset value from ref. surface-draft angle & ok.

use the offset tool under edit features. the menu mapper will show you where to find it. you must choose the edges or edge you wish to offset before you can choose the the feature you want to create.
I have a suggestion ...

go to round command> choose constant > Then choose intent chain > first select the top surface / feature of the protusion .... follow the side surface ...

hope this can work..

But, this will constraint the round value that you can have in the text logo protrution... because all edge will be the same value of round
Sorry ,

I have wrongly uploaded the file in my different reply .

Can any one help me in making variable sec sweep in the

file uploaded ( wildfire 1.0 ) . Pls resume all the features .

Thanks in advance
Allenlsk - I can't seem to find the intent chain option in WF 1.0... Any idea how to access it?

I uploaded an image showing the edges I would like to round (+ possibly the bottomw ones) w/ a simple example w/ a TrueType CG Omega font.

After you make you text feature, click the round icon. Select an edge with the right button of your mouse (then one edge is highlight) and click another time the right button (all of the edges are highlight). Press the ctrl keyboard and do the same to the edges of the bottom and the top of your text.

So you have all your edges select and you can now enter a value for the radius.

bp - this seems to work for top and bottom edges only. But then all the vertical edges still seem to need to be selected individually, isn't it?

to intent chain pick one one the vertical edges with the RMB. From the menu select pick from list. you will see intent chain in the list. to bad in the omega font it will not work because most of the edges are already tangent.

FYI you can also pick the top edges to round by selecting one edge then with holding down the shift key go to the next edge. you will see the chain (or loop) hilight. Select it shoft select the edge of the next letter then repeat the shift select proceedure.
thx triley_56.

I am aware of the shift select combination to select all of the surface edges forming a loop.

I was hoping for a solution where I could select all the curves forming the text or the logo at once to apply a round to them.

The example with the omega font is just a simplified and representative version of what I am trying to achieve. Often the texts or logos I need to emboss or recess or much more complicated and also combine tangent and non-tangent edges.

The most time consuming part is to usually select all the vertical edges...

