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Creo 1.0 enhanced realism...


I've played a little more with Creo, there's a problem with the ATI drivers that shows like a "banding" on the model window, anyway the first impression is that spinning and zooming is faster than Creo/Elements Pro 5.0, especially in wireframe view, but i really DON't like the new setup for "enhanced realism"...

It was already changed from WF4.0 to 5.0, and the main gripe was that the new environment was more "smooth", so it was less useful for rough surface evaluation, but this time it looks like everything is too shiny. Look:

View attachment 5198

View attachment 5199

The first one is a snapshot of Pro 5.0, the second one is from Creo 1.0... everything looks washed out and less "punchy" especially the black shiny plastic :/

solidworm said:
your background looks cool, could you please share the color file?

You mean the blue one? Here is my syscol file:

SYSTEM_BACKGROUND_COLOR 11.372549 13.333333 14.901961
SYSTEM_DIMMED_MENU_COLOR 52.156863 52.156863 52.156863
SYSTEM_LETTER_COLOR 100.000000 92.941176 20.000000
SYSTEM_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR 80.000000 40.000000 40.000000
SYSTEM_EDGE_HIGH_COLOR 100.000000 40.000000 80.000000
SYSTEM_GEOMETRY_COLOR 100.000000 100.000000 100.000000
SYSTEM_HIDDEN_COLOR 80.000000 80.000000 100.000000
SYSTEM_SHEETMETAL_COLOR 0.000000 60.000000 0.000000
SYSTEM_CURVES_COLOR 0.000000 0.000000 80.000000
SYSTEM_VOLUME_COLOR 60.000000 20.000000 80.000000
SYSTEM_SECTION_COLOR 20.000000 40.000000 100.000000
SYSTEM_PRESEL_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR 20.000000 100.000000 100.000000
SYSTEM_SELECTED_COLOR 100.000000 20.000000 20.000000
SYSTEM_SECONDARY_SELECTED_COLOR 100.000000 60.000000 0.000000
SYSTEM_PREVIEW_GEOM_COLOR 100.000000 100.000000 0.000000
SYSTEM_SECONDARY_PREVIEW_COLOR 100.000000 80.000000 40.000000
SYSTEM_DATUM_COLOR 60.000000 40.000000 20.000000
SYSTEM_QUILT_COLOR 92.941176 25.098039 78.039216
UI_SELECTED_AREA_COLOR 47.058824 72.549020 85.882353
UI_SELECTED_TEXT_COLOR 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
UI_TEXT_COLOR 18.431373 23.529412 25.882353
SYSTEM_TOP_BLENDING_COLOR 77.647059 86.274510 92.549020
SYSTEM_BOTTOM_BLENDING_COLOR 36.078431 49.019608 66.274510

no, the gray one, thanks anyway. i searched and found the color code for gray:190-190-190

Edited by: solidworm
Oh, ok, anyway this is the code for the grey one:

SYSTEM_TOP_BLENDING_COLOR 98.431373 98.431373 98.823529
SYSTEM_BOTTOM_BLENDING_COLOR 81.960784 82.745098 83.137255

although it might be even better to swap the two, because the background of the model tree is not shaded and it's very light, contrasting with the darker grey of the bg at the bottom :)

garymig said:
Paolo, Do you know if you can set an edge color easy in Creo.

Did not check it but I think that edge color equals "geometry" color, so yes it's quite easy, as long as you don't mind having different geometry colors. BTW I never understood the obsession for black lines and now that Creo has them I'm still convinced that the "old" method was much better and much nicer. Also now you can not have "enhanced realism" with edges!

thanks Paolo, I do get many requests to shade my models with black edges, which makes no difference to me andis currentlyvery difficult.



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