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Creo 2.0 - Simple Spring Clip Relation ?


New member
Using Sketch/Sweep to model simple 340 deg wire clip. I need the relation to be set up to change the OD of the clip only with a fixed angle of the gap (60 deg) to show the change in gap chord length with deflection like a real deflected internal clip would change. The clip is 1.00 OD, .050 wire diameter.

Any help is appreciated!
Make it a family table with open & closed instances.

Gallup, thanks. But how would I get the model to show the correct gap angle for a given OD? I could trig it out I guess for each instance but was wondering if there was a way Pro e could handle this?
I tried make flexible in an assembly but varying the trajectory diameter parameter, it would not regen correctly because I don't think I have a relation I need...

Gallup, thanks. But how would I get the model to show the correct gap angle for a given OD? I could trig it out I guess for each instance but was wondering if there was a way Pro e could handle this?
I tried make flexible in an assembly but varying the trajectory diameter parameter, it would not regen correctly because I don't think I have a relation I need...


You can make the perimeter a driving dimension and keep it constant, let the angle be a resultant.

