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Creo 2 - Copy Geometry


New member
Our office went from WF4 to Creo 2 yesterday. There are some commands that we did in WF4 but can't figure out where the commands are in Creo 2. When we worked on large assemblies we would often design a part using copy geometry so we would know the boundaries of the part. Here is what we picked in WF4 to copy geom:
Tools / Assembly Settings / Reference Control / External Reference Control / Global Environment Settings / then picked "ALL"

In the assembly we would activate the part then pick:
Insert / Shared Data / Copy Geometry Then we picked the features we needed to copy.

Question is; where is this done in Creo 2? Is there an advance assembly module we need? TIA for your help.
Assembly settings are now hidden under File > Prepare > Model Properties

Copy Geom funcionality should be available on the main "Model" tab in the ribbon

Publish Geom contrary to Copy Geom one can find in "Tools" tab.

I do not know why PTC mixed in. IMO both of them shoud accessable from same place.


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Assembly settings are now hidden under File > Prepare > Model Properties

Copy Geom funcionality should be available on the main "Model" tab in the ribbon

Publish Geom contrary to Copy Geom one can find in "Tools" tab.

I do not know why PTC mixed in. IMO both of them shoud accessable from same place.

Maybe because the people writing the code have never actually tried to use it.
let`s say PTC is playing/learning with new tools on us(matured base of users with solid experience)

Maybe Creo 5.0 will result as best CAD tool ever founded on all these tears and blood wasted with working on previous version.

Stick my thumbs on it.
Thanks guys for the help. I've been using Pro since rev 18. I've never had any problems "adapting" until now. Seems like I'm always searching for something. Maybe it's time to retire!!!
In Creo, there is a magnifying glass icon in the upper right, if you start typing the name of the pre Creo command, it will show you where to find it in Creo.

