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Dassaults Cloud

Interesting idea. I'm thinking this is much like OnLive, which lets you play graphics-intensive games over the internet. You don't even need a dedicated card at this end. All you need is an extremely fast connection. I could see this working well for people that only use CAD, but if you use anything other than SW you're going to need the powerful machine anyway.
Edited by: Atropos89
I do think cloud based application is step forward from now. Generaly, lunching high cost apps like Pro/E, Catia, etc aside, on cloud servers make it possible to belive that user/client obtain more control over real costs and benefits of the software.

Best would be to pay for time of sesion or only by invoked funcionality of software. I bet if it comes really true IBM or Dell, should start to decrease the possible income by two because who wlould then require to use high perfomance graphics workstation at house?

I don`t want to take it further, it won`t make our daily job less problematic. I think data storage is the only serious case to be considered to store localy instead of cloud.
But if we had to pay for time, I'd feel rushed to complete jobs to save money. I think cloud services would be better off charging a flat monthly fee per program (like maintenance).


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