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deleting old iteration


New member

I am working with Creo, but without windchill. All the database is kept on hdd. And because of that, every time I save an assembly, i get new iteration. And after i finish my project, i get lets say, 10 iteration of the assembly, and also 10 iteration of five other parts.

Is there any fast solution to delete old iteration and leave only the last one of all the parts and assembly? I tried "delete old versions" from the menu, but it deletes only the old version of the part that I am doing it on. And i would like to delete also the rest of the parts.


Make sure you are in the directory that you would like to clean-up, use the "Open System Window" command. Then type "purge" at the DOS prompt. That should keep the last number of each of the components, assemblies, drawings etc. in that directory. Tim
There is a purge command run from the command prompt. Not sure where it's located these days. Used to be in the bin folder. This will purge all but the latest.

thank you for your answers, however, I get this type of message:
"purge is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"

and nothing happens. Do you know what does this mean?
That means the executable is not found anywhere by the shell trying to evaluate your command line.

You need to add the path to the purge.bat file to your computers Path environment variable. In my case the directory location of purge.bat is:

G:\Apps\PTC\Creo2_M100\Creo 2.0\Parametric\bin

To add this to the Path environment variable do the following:
Right click on My Computer and select Properties from the popup menu
Select Advanced system settings
Select Environment Variables
In the System variables scroll down and highlight Path then click edit
Add your path to the executable.

Please note that each value in the variable is separated by a semicolon ( ; ) with no spaces. Do NOT overwrite or delete the existing values, just add the new one to the end of the list.

Windows gives you a hateful little unresizeable window to do this, you might want to copy and paste into a text editor like Notepad++ so you can see what you are doing.
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He may need administrator privileges on his machine to add the path.
I like to use Spekan Purge myself.

