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denver training


New member
While teaching a plastics workshop in Denver I managed to get both weekends to ride dirt bikes and mountain bikes. Last weekend we went up into Eagle CO to ride. In Denver I rented a yz450 race bike. If your interested i can get you the contact info of that rental company. Anyway I captured this with my go pro camera. The file is 350mb large so don't download unless you want to see my head on collision at the end. OUCH... no one was hurt and it was both our faults. I should not have bee going so fast in blind corners and the guy we were with Joe should not have been back tracking the course. The file is an MP4 file so you might need to update your encoder to view.

In this video Johnny who is a sculptor and uses Solidworks and Joe who skis with Seth Morrison. Joe is who I crash into at the end. Enjoy and laugh because no one got hurt and I got it all on video. 351mb The Head On Collision with the GoPro camara 368mb my first run along a mountain with GoPro camara.

if anyone is in or near Denver we are planning a 20+ person mountain biking trip of mostly Pro/E users. Winterpark (it's the last weekend for the lift) on Saturday Sept 25th. Come to network or to show how fast you are. Full suspension mountain bikes are there for rent as well as all the safety equipment you will need. There will be plenty of first timers with us so don't be afraid of joining us. email Vaughn "vaughn.mcdaniel" <> if your interested in meeting up with us. Wives and significant others are welcome esp if it's their first time on a mountain. Solidowkrs users welcome ;)
Edited by: design-engine

