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Dependent Mirrored Assemblies


New member
Hello, I'm wondering if in Creo there is a way to create a dependent mirrored assembly. For example, I create the left wing of an aircraft with all parts attached, and I want to make a right wing with the parts in the same positions, so that it's always an exact mirrored copy.

Mirror assemblies don't update when new parts are added

I've also tried mirroring a shrinkwrap, but those don't update at all

Is what I'm describing possible with Creo?
To make sure everything stays updated, I would do this the old-fashioned time consuming way. Make a copy of each part and rename the copies something like "part1-right", "part2-right" etc., then open each copied part and edit it to be a mirror of the original part. (Up to you whether to make each copy dependent on the original part.) Then add and constrain each mirrored part to the assembly the same way the original parts were constrained.

Of course this would be torture if you're talking about 75 or 500 parts. That's just the way I would do it, 'cause nothing I work on has more than a couple dozen parts usually.
There is a way to do it but it is a nightmare for changes, additions and removal of components and/or features. You are much better off to mirror each part and assemble the opposite site assembly as a independent assembly. All the mirrored parts will update correctly and be reflected in the assembly. It's actually less work in the long run. Although it may seem cumbersome for a large assembly.

