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Derived Parts

I quoted a project some time back. I suspected I could do the project in 30 hrs or so. Padding it I gave it 40 hrs.The customer called and wanted to know why other companies quoted in months and why I quoted in hours. My answer and the truth was the same but I don't think the customer would have understood if I would have Said 'I use AAX and top down design"I make 20 small tweaks in an hours to capture the shape of the fishing real once I get the basic form close. I told the customer I picture I could do the model, parts and assembly and drawings in 20 hrs and I doubled it. The closest quote came in at 3 months. They probably did event know about the 1993 version of top down called master merge. (like insert part of solidworks).

Happy NEW YEAR every one!
Edited by: design-engine
Hi Heath and yes I did get the job.hope you had a great NYE celebration with your new girl friend. I went to the blackhawks game at wriggly field yesterday.
Edited by: design-engine
Family tables work but they can get huge & hard to work with, especially if you make multiple machined versions from one forging or casting. Functionally though it works fine.
Alright we finally got an AAX license. Now what is going to be the best way to use it? I need changes made to the parent model totranslate to the child parts. I did one design using merge/inheritance and it appears to work just fine when but is this what you are calling master merge which you don't seem to fond of?
I personally rely heavily on using the Publish Geometry
function (under Insert -> Shared Data) and then bringing
it into the model with the Copy Geom function. Let's me
pick exactly what I need and nothing else - which is
nice when doing top-down-design with many components.

In your case you probably want to use the Inheritance
approach. With AAX you will be able to create this
without an assembly dependency.

I'm sure others here will have some great suggestions

