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Dimensioning Philosophy

No, it was due to the way the assembly was constrained, which was worked on by many engineers. The actual discrepancy caused by the rounding would not have actually caused anyproblems with the actual parts, only in the ProE assembly.
As a design supervisor, I agreeperfectly with the following...

Always, always use model dimension whenever possible!!!

If you want to dimension differently on the drawing, go back to model and redefine the feature.

This assures that all dims necessary to make the part are there and visible. Saves checking time because if one does a "Show All" command and the whole screen lights up like a Christmas tree, you know to be cautious. Also, nothing worse than getting a phone call from a machinist asking about missing dims and design intent.Side makes us think about how the machinist will make the part if we build the model with the machinist in mind in the first place.


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