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Display of warnings


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Hello there fellow Solid Workers!

I use SW2008 at work. A few weeks ago Solidworks stopped to display sketch warnings like missing items/dangling/overdefined the Feature manager design tree. Also the warnings in the "What's wrong" dialog box do not appear. Normally when a sketch contains, for example, dangling items these brown signs appear in the tree.

Right now I only see the red marks for errors in featureswhich make them fail, not the brown ones. Although, when an erroroccurs, I get a"What's wrong" dialog boxin which these brownwarnings are also displayed. Then I have to look up the number of the sketch, then find the sketch and adjust the false items in the sketch. In these sketches the items are coloured brown, green or yellow, just as usual... This is not very practical and I'm wondering what could have caused this.

I've searched through all the options I could think of and studied the help file many times. Can anybody please help me?
Edited by: Sonno
When you do have the ability to Right Click and Select "What's Wrong" You'll see 3 check boxes at the lower portion of the window.

Show Errors, Show Warnings and Display What's Wrong during rebuild.

If you have any of these unchecked like Warnings you wouldn't be alerted to the Dangling Entities which are warnings.

You can always spox the Error features by the Red X symbol or the warnings by looking for the yellow ! symbol or Down Arrow pointing to a problem in the sketch of a feature. Also if you ever clicked the Don't Show this Message check box for any messages you can go to System Options Advanced to see a list of these messages you may have dismissed in the past.

Hi MJCole,

Thanks for your advice and I've found the reason of the problem.

It was indeed one of the 3 boxes in the "what's wrong" dialog box.

Thanks a lot!


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