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Error displaying wight on a drawing


New member
I'm trying to add a relationship to show display the weight on the drawing. Below is the relation that I'm trying to use:

errorInvalid data type combination at right side of expression

Can someone tell me what is wrong with this relation?

Pro/e Wildfire 5.0

Build - M060

Thank you

Curtis Smith
Hi Curtis,
Without looking it up I think you will find that "kg" is a reserverd parameter or name in ProE.
Try using something else such as "part_kg" without the quotes.
Hope this helps.
Regards, Brent
The error states the issue is with the right side of the relation.

Add the config option mass_property_calculateand set to automatic. Regenerate twice.

kg is not a reserved parameter and can be used just fine.
One more thing after setting the config option:

Select #Edit;#Setup;#Mass Props;#Generate Report; the PRO_MP_MASS value will appear correctly
Scott,I changed that config option about a week ago and have not found anything wrong yet. I would like to know what that config option is really doing? I was able to run mass prop and get the correct weight but I wanted to suck that weight to display it as a parameter. The last time I set up a company pRO/Esystem to run mass was over 12 years ago and I don't remember adding a config option to do this.

Getting older is starting to suck! lol

If you have the parameter set to by_request (defaualt) you do need to generate the mass properties from File>Properties. The other thing to note is I think it use to be a required that you write a relation to get the mass but you no longer have to. You can just type &pro_mp_mass and it should give you the value.
If you add the relation to the post-regen section of the
relations, you won't have to regen twice to make it right
like you did in the old days.

mass_properties_calculate controls whether Pro/E calculates
mass/props at each regen. Automatic means that it does,
by_request means that mass/props are only calculated when
you manually ask it to.
Hi Doug,

do you know how to ask to calculate the mass/props if the option mass_properties_calculate is on "by_request".
Is there a button or something to calculate it? Currently I'm switching the option to "automatic" to calculate it (with a mapkey), but maybe there is a standard button.
(We are still using WF3)

