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Final suggestions

My understanding of the purpose of the competition committee was to decide the rules & regulations of the competitions. I understand that having the committee personally judge the entries may fall under that category, but it's not necessarily a given.

My idea would be to let all of the users download the native Pro/E files and play around with and examine the models. Then they would be fully capable of providing an educated vote on the design. We will run the risk of amatuer users not fully understanding proper design techniques and voting based on their limited skills. I'm not completely opposed to having the committee members only vote for the winners. But let's make sure that all committee members are on board and are going to go through each model individually. My guess is that they will not and the competition willl stall out (kind of like people have been aluding to thus far).

I want the main goal of the competition to be fun, entertaining, and to let the users take an active part in the competition. Let PTC have the serious design competition. The users of MCAD Central as a whole is what carries this community forward, not me or this committee. We are just tools.

Competition committee members: please advise and feel free to disagree. Am I undermining the attempts of this committee?
The purpose of committee is to create rules, chose the best way to realize competition; starts the spark, and members will spread the fire

As for committee judging I have no complain, but as others have said maybe is more fun, and more motivating for users to chose winner.

I agree with AHA-D here, that other users have more skills and experience in other fields of ProE use, then someone of us, and vise versa someone of us have morexp in other fields, so maybe our "professionalism" here wouldn't be right.

Forum have a lot school, university users, someone mention best rookie award, I like that, maybe not rookie maybe best student work award, something that were professional people from all around world judge their work, and give them credit for their models > something that will stand nice in resume.

I think that downloading all competition models might be a bad idea; a lot of people are still on modem, slow Internet connection, limited bandwidth, etc. if there would be a lot of models, with relative big size, this would be a problem for them, they then couldn't download models, examine them etc.
If they would download only models they think that are worth of voting, then other models that might be better in other ways wouldn't be examined and voted.
Adding another problem in this idea, I don't know how would servers endure this large amount of downloads.
Note: I'm not against downloading models, just I think that for voting is better not to download models. Models could be downloaded after competition for learning purpose (either all competition models, or just first 10/20).

Also idea for committee members voting/judging; after forum members have decide winner, committee members could examine first 10/20 models, giving their comments on model, for example: model No 5 have great design, but model stability while changing design is unstable, and model No 9 have better stability in design.
This way we all could learn what is better modeling practice, or what is better way to achieve functionality etc.
Adding another idea, members who wins first 3 places must write tutorial for their model, this tutorials along with models would be available for downloading on McadCentral.

Admin congratulation on baby, and welcome back

Edited by: Isair

