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Forum Quality

I'm not a programmer so please forgive me if this sounds rediculas:

What if there was aNUKE button? If a user opened a thread that was obvious spam, he/she could NUKE it. If the thread was NUKED by X number of users, it would be removed automatically.

Your number of active "moderators" would increase by the number of active members.

It's hard to tell if it could be used for evil...

Sounds good on paper, though.

Cheers !
Edited by: dantheguitargod
dantheguitargod said:
What if there was aNUKE button? If a user opened a thread that was obvious spam, he/she could NUKE it. If the thread was NUKED by X number of users, it would be removed automatically.

This system is used by Craigslist - users may flag a post and the post is deleted if enough users flag it. It's not perfect (some spam stays and some legitimate stuff gets flagged) but it's probably better for the site owner than hiring dozens of moderators.

It appears that the moderators here have either given up or are on an extended coffee break...
JamesM said:
dantheguitargod said:
What if there was aNUKE button? If a user opened a thread that was obvious spam, he/she could NUKE it. If the thread was NUKED by X number of users, it would be removed automatically.

This system is used by Craigslist - users may flag a post and the post is deleted if enough users flag it. It's not perfect (some spam stays and some legitimate stuff gets flagged) but it's probably better for the site owner than hiring dozens of moderators.

It appears that the moderators here have either given up or are on an extended coffee break...


