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Forum Quality


I realise that... Sp had singled it out to be a bad topic... I didn't think that( and even you said it was a legitimate post ! ). Yes i think that ppl should have kept their individual responses to PM's and not repeatedly ask the same question over and over, keeping the forum clear for those who have ligitimate responses.

I also think that the reporting of posts should be done correctly aswell using the " report " button, which is a discreet way of pointing out bad post's..

Just a thought to any newb's using the forums... MCAD has a shout box.. If ya not sure of something then tis always a good idea just to pop ya question in there... cant guarantee youll get ananswer straight away, but there is normally someone in there at some time of the day who may be able to help !

I just find this:

Maybe if we do something like this, there might be a little less problems
I have one suggestion, that would be more useful here.
In user profile you must entered version of Pro/Engineer you are using!

Simply because a lot of people are asking for help, and they don't write on which ProE are, this will simply quicken replays, not to write post, asking on which version user is, then on second post writing the answer to his question

I hope that this is possible to add to forum, and that this isn't much of a job

Admin what you say?

Edited by: Isair
If - Have you guys have ever been on another board? mcadcentral
has much less clutter than other boards. I think moderators
should come up with better more thought prevoked questions for us all
to ponder then post respectfully intellegent response.

I like the 'model this chain pattern' challenge. Do more of that. And who
posted the mechanism tutor. Thats killer! I hope to match that and better that kind of post.

Thats why I am not married. My wife bItched to much.

Edited by: design-engine
Ive been on 3 other cad forums. Let me say this one ROCKS.
-no spam
-few adds
-Amazing people

heaps of helpful, insightfull people of all different skill levels and in different areas.
i think without mcad central i would be even more of a pro-e newbie than i am now.

the only problem i find is people constantly repeating questions ( ie not searching b4 asking). But its a small inconveinece. The shear wealth of knoledge of people here and there willingness to share it far outweights any downsides.
Me three!Greatsite..... I have solve many problems with the help of the well experience people that you find here.
I agree that this is best place to find answers to your ProE questions

Also agree with Bart, I would wish to see more tutorials made by members, even suggestion to open new topic Tutorials, where could users post their own tutorials.
Modeling competitions, render competitions are also nice to come by
In discussion 491&TPN=1

arroyopr said:
There got to be a better way to stop the tutorials request in the middle of a post. Than just blocking the entire post! Remember your denying to help the person who's asking for advice.

My comment was tongue in cheek. It won't be done nor would it be effective if done. However, I disagree with your statement. The person was not asking for help or advice. They were, when taken to the extreme, asking for copyrighted material. "Send me" as applicable to the discussion, in my opinion, has no place on this forum.
Edited by: jeff4136
jeff4136 said:
In discussion 491&TPN=1

arroyopr said:
There got to be a better way to stop the tutorials request in the middle of a post. Than just blocking the entire post! Remember your denying to help the person who's asking for advice.

I disagree with your statement. The person was not asking for help or advice. They were, when taken to the extreme, asking for copyrighted material. "Send me" as applicable to the discussion, in my opinion, has no place on this forum.

I am evaluating the Progressive Die Extension 2.1 in Wildfire and am wondering if anyone knows if there is additional training and information available beyond the included reference manual.

This sound like someone asking for help or advice. He's the one who posted the topic and he's the one who's getting punish becuase someone else tweaked the post when asking for tutorials
You are confusing the issue (if it's an issue to you at all), quoting the wrong person. The OP made no "send me" requests.
Recent postings seem to have hit a new low. Multiple postings in broken English of a phantom tolerancing tool. New postings called "Question". Questions about the most basic operations indicating the poster never checked the help system, searched the forums or took a training class.

I like helping people with some of the trickier operations or fine points of Pro/E but there seems to be a whole flood of clueless noobies. I don't know why it should bother me but today it seems really bad.
I fully agree with dr_gallup, and what I have seen is that a person can become MVP by asking 300 absurd nonsense questions.

Proecentral was far better than this.

Adding new files is a problem and I can see that most valuable users are not now using mcadcentral.

What has happened to Jason Turk, the Adminstrator.

I wish the quality be good and good users like xcad, dougr, miked and more return to the forum and beautify it.

> whole flood of clueless noobies.
> I don't know why it should bother
> me but today it seems really bad.

You're not alone. And now there's a "goog tool" posted to
three, I think, discussion groups that's probably a virus.
Oh, well. Wha'do we want for free? ;^)
A worm on this site never would of thought. (You should never use a file from someone that has only 3 posts). People posting stupid questions is a real pain. But I never reply to them if every one did the same no more stupid questions. I used to use this form a lot but have now outgrown it. The last 3 question I asked I received no replies.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

"I used to use this form a lot but have now outgrown it"? The same issues are going on in "prouser" as well? I been running pro from version 17 and the quest for awnsers never stops? All of my manufacturing sites for pro and CNC issues all have the same noob issues. Most of these issues are comming from outside of the USA? I really like the ones that want you to send them a file of what you are working on. I have been on this form for a while and I look at where they are from and what they are asking for and then decide if I want to tell them anything.
every ones a expert on Pro/E but when it comes to anything with a .mfg file no one has a clue so i just stopped asking.
There are a few other guys other than me that know alot of proman. I don't use gpost but I know guite a bit about proman.

