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Forum Quality

Hi all long time no see

I agree with Israr,

May good users have dissappeared for a long
time. But i wonder if they are just busy else where in life/work or
have left due to forum quality.

Personally i used to love reading this forum in the morning, but now
its become like reading emails, a zillion junk posts vs the 1 good post.

It was a great way to learn new approaches to modelling even if a
certain problem doesnt directly fit into your field of expertise. Now
it just takes much longer to get to the "good stuff".

Maybe it would be possible to,

a) Ban new users from posting for the 1st 2week's of account creation

b) block posts with key words in the subject. ie, "HELP"

c) block key words in posts.

d) Charge for the forum. If i can rememeber that far back proecentral
was a paid forum, which had 100th of the duplicate, unstructured,
un-searched for posts as we do here. This cost can be a trival amount
but i beleive it would filter out serious posters vs 1 hit wonders.

I don't think its a good idea to lable people as "noob posters" as this
deters people from posting questions, there is nothing wrong with
posting a simple question to a basic problem if a person requires help
with it. But it is a assumption that people would have looked up there
help files and search the forum before posting the problem at hand.

You have to remember we all started without a pro-e clue at some
stage. I know i was thown in the deep end with no support from my work
at the time. I'am sure that without the help from some really nice
people here i wouldn't know a fraction of what i do now. By the same
token i'd like to think i've also re-contributed and helped others in
the same way that i was helped.

Ofcourse forum edicat is the true key to keep things flowing nicely between people whom need help and are keen to help.

Just my 2c.
I have not been on this site long. Jason Turk used to work here and that is how I learned of this site. I am surprised that I hardly ever see any postings from him though. For the most part so far I have enjoyed this site. It can be very helpful if you use it correctly. I do see a lot of posts that make you think that someone got their proe cd out of a cracker jack box, but at least for the most part you guys have given answers. A thought occurred to me about the complaint of people becoming MVP's based on 300 posts of garbage, perhaps it would be better to base the status of your membership on time verses posts. Just a thought. Most of you guys & gals seem to have been here a few years. I doubt a newbie is who is just trying to spam or create havoc is going to stay on this site more than a few weeks. Most of your serious members however will stay on. Just my 2 cents :)
I seriously doubt the reason original members of this forum are no longer posting is because there are so many new 'mvps'. Who really cares what the label is underneath your username? Ok, your the 'original one super special rock star person of the year mvp', does that make you feel better? If you derive so much satisfactionor you experience so much apprehension from the labels assigned to anonymous members, you have a bigger problem that the forum post quality will not help.

As far as I can see, the more people who contribute the better. New ideas or ways of thinking are welcome by me,but if you don't like it just ignore it. And thats a lot better than paying $9.
I disapear sometimes because of 16 hrs projects or other talk boards. If I get stuck on soemthing Pro/E related you bet I don't hesitate and come here. PTC tech support what?
Well, since this is a rant and rave board about forum quality, I have a peeve
I would like to air. It's about closure. I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I think it deserves repeating. I'd like to see a bit more closure in some of the help threads. I notice that some people might come onboard, post a help query and when somebody actually has the kind decency to help out, the original poster just disappears, without even a word of thanks or appreciation. I mean, how rude is that. OTOH, perhaps the OP just thanked the fellow via PM, but adding another note on the board adds a little bit of closure too. I personally lurk the boards to see if I can pick up some new tips and tricks to help in my job.

After saying that, I would like to suggest that we have community moderators in these boards. They don't have to be employees of MCAD Central, rather they should be volunteers who will take up the task of keeping control over the boards. They could enforce rules, lock & move threads, etc. I don't know if this is due to the limitations of the board software or the lack of attention by the forum owners, but I seldom see locked threads or bannination being handed out for rule-breakers. Some guys actually double/triple post and yet the threads still remains.

Is there anyone from MCAD Central actually reading this? Just wondering.
There is "was" a moderator group... they seem to have vanished along with MCAD's admin.

Ive even tried PM'ing some of the known moderators, as there is at least one thread that shouldnt be allowed to continue as it "discriminates" against a group of MCAD members !!

And yet it continues...

Why ??

I have already PM'd admin tho with the suggestion of adding more moderators...

Seems admin has vanished tho, as ive had no reply

Is this site still run by Jason ?? I havent seen any of the original moderators for a long time either !!

So, who would like to volunteer to be a mod?

The number of moderators can be increased by the Administrator of this site.

If membership charges are not supported by most of the old members then thereshouldbe defined specific areas forexperienced members (those from the times of proecentral) with user ID defined and for new members.

I think this can be worked out.

Edited by: Israr
Geez, get a sense of humour.

Edit: This post was in response to the post above. The poster asked if I was authorized by the forum to ask for volunteers. Just so everybody knows, I was only kidding (look for the smiley in my original post). I didn't realize we had to check our sense of humour at the door to post here. Too bad I didn't quote, since the poster has obviously edited his post to remove all mention of his/her original remarks.

Edited by: mediumsliced
this is from FAQ:


Question :
What is the difference between Member, Contributor, Veteran, MVP, and Moderator Group status? Whats the difference between Charter Member and Preferred Member?


Answer :
As you participate on the forums, your status increases, depending on the number of posts you have made.

Member: 0 posts
Contributor: 40 posts
Veteral: 100 posts
MVP (Most Valuable Player/Poster): 300 posts

Moderators monitor the forums and are given special privliges to edit, delete, and move posts for good housekeeping.

Charter Member and Preferred Member are carried over from members of Pro/E Central. Charter members are those who signed up and paid for a Professional Members during the first 30-day paid membership period in 2003. Preferred members are those who paid for a Professional Membership at Pro/E Central after the initial 30-day period.

Israr you are a Preferred Member, do you want more than that? I think it doesn't get better then that.

Edited by: vlad1979
I was reading some of this thread (not all of it because it's soooo long). At the beginning something was mentioned about having you go to a search first to post a message. You're kidding right? Think about it, you as a long time member having to go threw a search every time!? Give me a break. I've got a better idea if you really want to cutout posting from people that this site was intended to help. If you're a new member, you can't post you can only search. I remember back in the ProEcenteral days, I was not a paid member but I could search for related issues I was having and I learned a lot. After you have been a member for sometime, then you are granted the right to post issues. Maybe by then, the "newbie" will have settled.
Speaking of moderators, what is with all the spam postings? I always go straight to "Active Topics" to see what's new. Recently, there have been more spam postings than legitimate postings.
The Spam bots have defeated the captcha and also seem to know to post right before our DAILY NEWSLETTER goes out. We're working on a new captcha and filter for junk like NIKE SHOES and DVDS.

dr_gallup said:
Speaking of moderators, what is with all the spam postings? I always go straight to "Active Topics" to see what's new. Recently, there have been more spam postings than legitimate postings.

