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Getting a copy of SDRC I-DEAS NX 12


New member
Hey, I'm an engineering student and am about to finish school. There is a company I really would like to work for which use SDRC IDEAS NX 12 as their main piece of software. At our school we have only used PRO/E so no help there.
Is there anyone that perhaps wants to sell a copy, or knows how I can get one somewhat cheap?
I know that if I get the job, I will be sent on training and all that, but I would really like to spend some time with it..

Has anyone been able to get SDRC I-deas 12 to work on Windows Vista X64.

I have the Team Center installed but when I execute Ideas as an administrator it asks me to allow some priviledges to be allowed in Vista security. Help please, vista is such a pain.


[email protected]
Has anyone been able to get SDRC I-deas 12 to work on Windows Vista X64.

I have the Team Center installed but when I execute Ideas as an administrator it asks me to allow some priviledges to be allowed in Vista security. Help please, vista is such a pain.


[email protected]

