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Ghost of non-referenceed part!

Hi again.

It would be interesting to have your file to see the behavior in Windchill PDMLink, and why not, to get it cleaned and sent back to you (in case the file is not that big, and content not confidential for sure)

what do you think ?

let us know
There are examples of references that the GRV can not find. When I complained to PTC about it, the respons was thata new tool (or maybean improved GRV) will show these types of references in wf4.

"Everything is better in the future"
Thank you very much for the offer, but this data is confidential, so I can't send it. However, maybe I can delete everything in the part except an external copy geometry and send just that.. I'll try this soon and let you know.

It would be nice if PTC actually fixed errors in current versions of ProE for a change ...

We are bound to the ProE version our customers use. Also, who has the money to upgrade every time there is a new ProE Version instead of it being an update to the existing ProE?

Thank you all for offering help with my ghost problem. For people willing to get frustrated by trying to find the error I have prepared the part for you:

I took the part and the current design and stripped everything but the first external copygeometry in the part. I deleted everything from the design but the publish geometry referenced by the part. Then I made a simple extrude and changed the publish geometry to reference the extrude instead of the design surfaces that I had deleted.
Furthermore I deleted all parameters and relations from both part and design. This is as clean as I know how to get the parts in ProE.

Then I tried checking in again and the error still occurs. (The 2 ghost parts are named '3021_b_master_k01' and '3021_f_master_k01'). Only when I delete the external copygeometry in the part the error is gone. So the error defenitely is in the external copygeometry feature of the part.

If you drop me a PM with your E-Mail address I will send you the part and the design for testing...

Have fun
Hello again,

I've found a trick to get rid of the ghost: hex edit the part and change the entries referencing the ghost parts into the name of the correct design.

You MUST use a hex editor for this, because text editors will maim the part.

Furthermore, the length of the part name of the the ghost and the existing part you want to overwrite with MUST have the exact same length! If not, then you must first open the part and a part which has exactly the name of the ghost part, then rename the 'ghost part' in session and on disk to the a name of correct length and then save both parts. You can now go into the hex editor and replace the name without changing file length.

WARNING: this method is a dirty 'hack' and is not guaranteed to work in all cases. In my case I could check the part in without error messages or regeneration problems. I don't expect any problems to occur, but it might be the case that the correct is 'double referenced' internally in the part.

P.S. How do I get rid of the stupid typo in the topic title...

Edited by: Zestje

