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Heidenhain postprocessor

I m looking for conversational post for Heidenhein tnc530. We have g code that produces iso files but we have some problems with smal radius error!
Please send info to
Do anyone have postprocessor for TNC320? If you could sent me it I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance.
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Anybody has postprocessor for TNC 407?.

We developed one very limited and with some failures!
hello evry one
i got problem with post processor for tnc360 heidenhain
i do programe (g code iso) with delcam 5.5.04
if any one out there can help me pls contact

email add:- [email protected]
tel no:- +60123185426
contact person :- zul
Edited by: prorisa
Hi. I have Post-processor for Heidenhain-iTNC530 ( mikron 3axis ).Work correct. SAned me PM with e-mail and a can send post.
hey everyone, my company has a 5 axis milling, it use tnc 430. if you have post process for please email for me. i really thanks for your kind. i work pro wildfire.
Hi. I have Post-processor for Heidenhain-iTNC530 ( mikron 3 axis300 and 400 machines ) WorkNc CAM

But it was already done before I took over a year ago , can anyone send me this post they have so I can see if it is better than what I am using now any help would be greatly appreciated !

PM me please
Dear All,

Shortly you would be able to find 100 % Tested and working post on PTC website, specially for Heidenhain Control, for a variety of 5-Axis combination.

Till then if you want the post for any of the 5-Axis Milling machine with Heidenhain Control, kindly let me.

Dear Mcadcentral users

I m looking for Post-processor for Heidenhein TNC320 (5-axis). Can anyone help me?
Also if there is something similar (TNC320 3-axis) it is acceptable.

my e-mail is [email protected]
Thank you in advance
Hi Guys
I got an old Bridgeport CNC milling with TNC 151. Does anyone have a post for TNC 151/155??? I am tired of machining in powermill/Catia and I need finish machining from Creo.
Actually, we may not say, more powerfull then powermill, but there are certain issues.
1. I am doing my desinign expertly in Creo and Catia. Both are parametric and capable to machine.
2. In Creo, we can control most of our machining options. In Catia we can control with some limit. But in Powermill we cant (may be I need to learn more).
3. I like to work all in only one software. From part modeling to final CNC machine. Catia or Creo are best.
I tried EdgeCAM, NX and Volumill (Nexiom) and I made post for my TNC151 successfully. EdgeCAM and NX are good and easy enough for post development.

