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Helmet modeling

I take that point! especially about the parent child relationships..

Caita also has a fairly steep learning curve to say the least, I'm trying to give it an hour or two here and there but like you am finding it frustrating..

I haven't enough experience with the likes of studio tools, Rhino and Maya to really understand them yet, (thinking of doing some of those 20 hour stints... they seem to work well) but the results I have seen, are pretty nice, the control that a true expert has with those tools is excellent..

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I mean he made it look effortless..

maybe it is just that I haven't had any formal training with ISDX, (I am seriously thinking about it) and possibly don't know the true capabilities or work flow of it, what I know is self taught from simply playing around with what I know is there..

I'll "play" some more with ISDX, it is excellent at the moment, maybe it just needs more industries to start using it, maybe a true user of it would use it in conjunction with the advanced surface free form ?? is that kind of thing done in industry? or do you always redefine the curves?

I love to hear more from you.. very interesting..

Edited by: james.lynch
Bart and others.

I'm afraid you let the word "intellegent" slip past you toward the end of the fourth paragraph. There is a neat spelling checker called iespell that you can download for free and that works uniformly across a number of on line applications. That way you don't have to waste so much time proof reading, or risk letting something get by.

The ABC buttonin the "Post Reply" dialog boxwill take you directly to the link.
Thanks guy!.. I'll keep it in mind!

I think I am pretty good engineer
, terrible at spelling and typing though


Where is this ABC button? I thought about submitting an enhancement request for a spell checker on this site, I could certainly use one. iespell looks like a nice plugin but it only works for IE and I use Mozilla Firefox.
I use word in a separate window. I got so much to say sometimes
that after I paste from word I keep typing. I spell
4 out of 100 words incorectly. Firefox is such a memory hog.
Thurnerbird is worse. I use both though.

Edited by: design-engine
james.lynch said:
... pretty much every major car and aviation company and it is pretty much all Catia.
I think that is because they were all early adopters of CAD and the only choices at that time were Catia and Unigraphics. Both developed by aerospace firms because they had the need and the budgets to be pioneers. Once a company has a big database in any CAD package it is a major expense to change and not just the cost of the software. Not something to be done just for a pretty user interface or the latest wizz bang module. Both those programs were awful at solid modeling for years but they have come around, mainly because their customers made them keep up with the likes of PTC. Just like Pro/E has come around on the user interface. PTC has tried to crack into those markets for years but it is a tough sell.
dr_gallup said:
... were all early adopters of CAD and the only choices at that time were Catia and Unigraphics. ...

You got it. Megabucks investments (styling modules for those packages is still big bucks), a lot of custom apps, ... inertia.
I was messing with Alias today since we are building Alias Tutors and I
was able to force a curvature continious curve conection across a
mirror plane. (just forced the conection with 'align' to a normal
curve) They call it 'implied tangency' For Pro/E I
modified the word and called it normalcy.

I really wish Pro/E ISDX would let me manipulate CV's like that. I still like Wildfire ISDX combo better.
So it all about the money? suppose it makes sence,

design-engine said:
I really wish Pro/E ISDX would let me manipulate CV's like that.

Took the words right out of my mouth! maybe in future releases we will be able to?
Edited by: james.lynch

OK, when you are in the POST REPLY dialog area, there is a double row of buttons starting with Font Type and Font Size and ending with a square containing the letters ABC and a check mark. Kinda looks like this.

View attachment 823

In that same collection there are the file upload and picture insert buttons (top row right). When you click on the ABC button, either you have ieSpell installed and it executes the spelling check or you don't and it links you to the download site.
Pommares said:

OK, when you are in the POST REPLY dialog area, there is a double row of buttons starting with Font Type and Font Size and ending with a square containing the letters ABC and a check mark.
In that same collection there are the file upload and picture insert buttons (top row right). When you click on the ABC button, either you have ieSpell installed and it executes the spelling check or you don't and it links you to the download site.
Thanks, Pommares, now I understand. I have to install ieSpell (and use IE) to see the icon. I know my eyes are going but I couldn't understand why you were seeing a button but not me! Not an option with Firefox. Someone up above posted that Firefox is a memory hog but actually it is the lightest weight browser I have found. Faster and much fewer security risks than IE!
Edited by: dr_gallup

For me the button appeared directly; and only when I clicked it to run a spell check, did it tell me that I had to install IE and offer me the link. I don't think it has anything to do with the browser. It is part of the MCad Central user interface. It only weighs 2.5M and runs across a whole spectrum of applications (same custom dictionary for all).

Maybe my security settings are blocking it but I do not have that button in IE or Firefox.

Sorry for hijacking this thread.
I don't think I used a projection for the main speaker grill...

before I mirrored the piece,within ISDX I created a COS that defined the outline and within ISDX again there is a trim button - select the button, then select the quilt, then select the curve you want to use to trim, this will split the surface,you can trim the surface by clicking on the side you don't want..

you can also do what you want to do but you may need to merge the surfaces first.. useedit/trim..

