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Hole Wizard


New member
I am trying to place a threaded hole using the hole wizard and am
having trouble constraining it. Solidworks seems to want to use a
predefined xyz coordinate system when defining the hole's
posistion. Is there a way to constrain the hole's position using
feature faces or datum planes selected by the user?


Hey Aaron,

The way to constrain it is when it asks you to pick a point after you have defined the hole right click off of the part and hit select. Ctrl click the point of the hole and the plane that you wish to align it with and on the left hand side of the screen it will have options for the constraints to which you want to apply.
I was having a heck of a time with that too

pick plane.. then hole wizard... drop point off part

then drag to exisiting point.. that right isn't it
If you define a point prior to starting hole wizard you should be able to select it and constrian it using the options in the feature wizard baron teh left handside


