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How do you justify your pro/e usage?

nkpham - I just took a course called fundamentals of design, which was an okay class. I say that because I was hoping to learn better/faster modeling tricks - however, the class focused on top down design, tables, pro/program, rendering and animation. I left the class somewhat broken hearted, but looking back, I realized that what had just been taught to me exponentiated my know-how of using the advanced features of pro.

The guy that taught the class (Terry - something) did an outstanding job, and was definitely thoroughly fluent with what he was teaching.

During the class (week long), if we polished up our projects quickly, we could work on our own stuff. I ran into a problem in Mechanica that I was hoping he could help me out on (this was not a mechanica class) - turns out the guy was fluent with Mechanica as well! And , he took the time to work out my problem with me and come up with a solution!
Actually I was refering to miked's IDEAS Instructor on my last post.

Nose, my heart goes out to you, this guy must have connections.

I report directly to our Director of Engineering, imagine how that's working ?? After only 9 months (implementing SolidWorks) our drafting dept is modeling, detailing, creating large assemblies and even TDD modeling.

Also couldn't justify the time, cost, hassle and grief of dealing with PTC so we went with SW. Our geometry isn't that complex so SW is ideal.
Doug - Luckily, I don't have to work with this guy - He's in a different division, but on this one project, I had to help out on some design stuff, and the FEA topic came up on designing a pressure vessel, in which I mentioned that I could do it with Mechanica, and he asked, What's that? - that's where the discussion started...

We put up with him because he was the only game in town and I have a boatload of projects coming up for Nissan. I have to sort out the Ideas TDM soon so I can export my models in the Nissan format.

I definitely wont have him back and now that i have a clue in Ideas I can explore it on my own.

It's been a while since I read this post so I am bit out of date, but I just wanted to justify my usage of the Latin abbreviation. I know it wasn't quite accurate as I didn't really prove anything, but I felt the example I gave was evidence (If you like) that there is a lot of backwards thinking in the industry, hence I felt to say
SW - The best description of your Professor is Luddite.

After 2 Pro/E and one SolidWorks implementation I must admit I'm skittish about introducing this stuff, it can really bring an organization to it's knees..

