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how to delete paramaters of a CAD Model


Ok. I need to ask you a question.

1) Do you still have the original part you created (without the "Locked" parameters that Windchill has created)?

2) Can you (or can anybody) in your organization make changes to the Windchill configuration so that it does not check out parts with these added parameters?

3) This is so I can understand Windchill a little better (as I know Windchill so-so but Intralink well). When you download the part from Windchill, does the part then move OFF the server to your local workspace (local computer)?

I am guessing "no" on question (1).

I only ask because, as of yet, I find a few documents on parameter changes when the parts are downloaded on Windchill but nothing about that WF 2.0 M220 fix.

I'll keep looking.
Hi all-

This is one way (a very annoying and tedious way) of "deleteing" unwanted "Locked" parameters from a Pro/Engineer part. There is another way I am researching though, but for now try this (at your own risk).

These instructions were successfully performed on Pro/Engineer Wildfire 2.0 M050 and are only verified with part files.

HOST = the Pro/E window containing the original part (with the offending Winchill parameters)
TARGET = the new Pro/E window to which the orignal part will be "transfered" (without any parameters)
UDF = user defined feature.

1) Open the desired part in the HOST. Make sure to set the working directory as this is where the UDF will be stored.

2) Goto Tools->UDF Library... The UDF Menu Manager should appear.

3) In the menu manager, goto "Create". In the dashboard (bottom message area), a prompt will appear requesting the name of the new UDF. You may call the UDF anything you want, however, I suggest DIFFERENT from the HOST part name, but a name which relates the UDF to the HOST.

e.g. HOST part = test_prt
UDF name = udf_test_prt

So in the above example, you would type in "udf_test_part" in the prompt without quotes. It will make it easier to give the UDF a meaningful name (especially with several parts).

4)Type in the UDF name and click the green "Check" button to the right of the prompt. The UDF Menu Manager should expand to Include UDF OPTIONS.

5) Select "Stand Alone" from the UDF OPTIONS. Then click "Done".

6) Another prompt will appear in the dashboard asking if you want to include the reference part. I select "No" here.

7) A new Menu Manager should appear labeled UDF FEATS. The dialog is requesting you to select all of the features that you want to include in the UDF group. On the model tree select the first FEATURE on the list, hold down the SHIFT key, and select the last feature on the list (usually right above the "Insert Here" marker"). This SHOULD select all of the features in the part. Click on the "OK" button in the Select dialog box under the UDF FEATS Menu Manager. Then click "Done". Then click "Done/Return". The UDF FEATS Menu Manager should have disappeared.

8) Click "OK" on the UDF definition dialog box.

9) Click "Done/Return" in the UDF Menu Manager.

10) Create a new part. Name the part whatever you want, however, leave the Common Name field BLANK and uncheck the "Use default template" check box.

11) In the "New File Options" dialog, select the Empty template. Then click the "OK" button.

12) The TARGET window will now appear. This is where the new (without parameters) part will be.

13) Goto Insert->User-Defined Feature... An "Open" dialog will appear, select the UDF group that you created in the HOST window. (In my case, udf_test_prt.gph).

14) A PLACE OPTS Menu Manager will appear. Select "Independent", then select "Done".

15) A SCALE Menu Manager will appear. Assuming that both the HOST and TARGET window are in the same dimension setup. Select "Same Dims" and then select "Done".

16) A DISP OPTION Menu Manager will appear. Select "Normal" and then select "Done".

17) Select the "OK" button in the "Group Elements" definition dialog.

18) A GRP PLACE Menu Manager will appear. Select "Done" to finish the UDF import operation.

19) The features that you made into a UDF group in the HOST window will now appear as a feature group in the Model Tree of the TARGET window. To correct this, simply select the feature group in the TARGET window Model Tree (in my case feature "Group UDF_TEST_PRT"), right click, and select "Ungroup" from the drop-down list.

20) Open the Tools->Parameters... window. Sometimes PTC_COMMON_NAME will be in there. However, it is not locked. Simply delete it. Now, no parameters will exist.

I hope this works for you. If you need any screenshots or possibly a flash video, I can put one together. I hope to have an "easier" fix soon. Going through the old style Menu Managers is tedious at best.

Hi all-

Here is another way to "delete" these unwanted parameters although its easier than the pervious method, it does have its disadvantages.

1) Start a new Pro/Engineer part. Ensure that no name exists in the Common Name field and that the "Use default template" checkbox is UNCHECKED. Select "OK".

2) Choose the Empty template. Select "OK". This will be the TARGET part.

3) Goto Insert->Shared Data->Inheritence From other Model...

4) The LOCATE MDL Menu Manager will appear. Select "Open".

5) Navigate to the HOST part (see previous post) and select "Open" button.

6) A preview window (similar to that of the Pro/Engineer assembly mode) will appear. On the "Inheritance Placement" dialog box (mine is on the upper-right hand side of the screen), select the "Fix Inheritence current position" icon button. An image is posted.

View attachment 2493

7) Select "OK" on this dialog.

8) Select the "OK" button on the EXTERNAL INHERITANCE definition dialog box. This will complete the operation.

9) Open Tools->Parameters... Delete the PTC_COMMON_NAME parameter if it exists. Now all parameters will be eliminated.

This method has a distinct disadvantage that all the HOST features are now "grouped" under an inheritance container. However, it does appear you may edit the TARGET part features.

Credit: I did not discover this technique. A person from another forum (known by the nick JohnAndrews) suggested this.

Hope this helps.
I just tried out WF2 M220 and you can now delete the Windchill parameters if you set the config option allow_create_pdm_param to yes. Before M220 this would only allow deleting the Intralink parameters but they've changed it now so you can delete or modify the Windchill parameters too.
Hi Ruppert,

I also received the M220 release from PTC last week and verified the same. It seems to be working fine. We need to test also in WF 3.0 M030. This is also the release in which this issue is resolved.

And also PTC said that there will not be any compatible issue for the Models saved in M220 back in the M100 or any other lower releases.

Thanks & Regards,


