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How to use a pinion to cut a bullgear blank


New member
Not a new member, new account. Logon problems so set up new account. I don't post much but did try searching for my answer.

I need to use my existing pinion model to cut a bullgear blank. I have two angles I want to increment and perform a boolean cut, I then want to increment the angles a small amount and cut again. Trying to get MAX root radius. The two angles are the pinion angle to the bullgear and the second is the pinion angle as it rotates 48:1.

I need to fully pass a pinion tooth through the bullgear from intitial contact through exit. Straight cut spur gears.

I would like to automate this perhaps with a map key for each increment or perhaps for the entire cutting operation. Will need to run several iterations.

I need the major steps. I think I can muddle through the details of seach step. Detailed steps are welcome.

Assuming something like making my dimension parameters, writing a relation and creating a mapkey?

Thanks in advance

