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Human Body

good luck
There are some solidworks human figures here at I have the Male figure
and it is very detailed and works great for what I need.
It comes in a bunch of file formats. The parasolid.xt
should open in any version of solidworks.

Direct Link
<a href="
<br / target="_blank"> keyword=solidworks+human&x=0&y=0"> Search/Index.cfm?
Why purchase a model when you can get a complete plug-in for SolidWorks with models? This is a very precise, easy to use, solid human male and female 3D poseable figure that is anthropometrically correct. This thing even changes scale anywhere from 5th to 95th percentile with super precision!

Here is a link to check out a demo:

Made by Zygote Media Group called Human Factors. Get a free trial at:
If you are designing products for people to use, then you need people the right size for your target market.
I've researched this thoroughly and used SolidWorks to make statistically accurate and fully poseable models.
They are not quite free, but at $99 they are very affordable... and you help us to support you to make more models. Already we do US, UK, Japanese and military sizes (based on leading published studies). We have also done children of many ages. You can find the US sizes here:
[url],shop.browse/category_ id,8/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,26/ [/url]
Hey Marcus,

I could really recommend this website:
This website has an incredibly large collection of human
models in both genders, various age groups and numerous
ethnicities. All models are based on anthropometric
research and can therefore be used to validate/test your
designs as well! I'm sure you'll find exactly the model
you'll need!


Edited by: 3dhumanmodelcom

