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Image on surface


New member

I'd like to put an image I have in jpeg, tiff format, on a surface of a part. How can I do that?

you use a texture map..

in the colour and apearences dialog box, make a copy of the defaulult colour, then on the center map tab (i havent got pro open at the moment) you get the option to apply bump, texture and decal maps..

click the map radio button, then the square button beside itto open the texture dialog box, click the "+" button to browse to your image.., you can then position it, scale it, or whatever youneed to do.

I have found that changing from "parametric" to "planar" can yeild better results bu it depends on the geometry.

of course youonly apply this colour (with texture mapenabled) to the surface you want to apply the image to..

hope this helps,

I have tried attaching a jpg label on my model and it works. But i want it to display on my drawing unfortunately it does not appear. Help?

