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Instalation of Dataserver 3.4 F000

Thanx Adam and Sroamer,

Sroamer! u can see the entire screen shot on page 1,

Adam! according to my knowledge, Win2003 server does not support the client, then how could I do this? I did not install pro on that machine, I did not put any space in any path etc. I know this, so I was carefull so. I will check it again
Thanx for both of u

not it is installed successfully. I had uninstalled Ilink then re install again and it is done. Now plz advice me to start working on intralink. bcoz I dont know any thing. I had installed Ilink client on my pc. now at login what user name & password I will use for first user?? bcoze its not accepting any username & pw. where could I add or allow users?

I did install the client on my Windows 2003 server (R2). I don't know if PTC offically supports the Pro/Intralink client but I did get it to work (without any special configuration) on a Windows 2003 Server machine. Try to install it and simply log into Intralink. You do not need to have Pro/E installed on the server to log into Intralink.

About the file path spaces. I was talking about the file name spaces in the PRO/ENGINEER installation path on the client machines. Pro/Engineer Wildfire, by default, installs itself into file paths with spaces. Intralink will not work with Pro/Engineer if the Pro/E is installed with a file path with spaces.

Hope this helps.

Hi Dear

thnx for ur co operation, I will check it then tell u, actually my pc is connected with dataserver, but when I want to login by any name and pw, it says that user and password is not ok. If I try in conditioin of data server shut down, then ilink on my pc tell me that its no oracle is connected. when I tried after starting it says wron user/pw.

This could actually be many things. Could you post the exact error you get wgeb you attempt to logon (the screenshot)?

Also, ensure you are attempting to login to Intralink with username: INTRALINK and password: INTRALINK (both all-capitals). This is a builtin system account and needs no setup (at least mine didn't) to work.


-Adam J. Cook
Hi dear

thanx for ur help Adam, It is done. my pc is connected now.

