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Installation Error in UG NX


New member
Hi Everyone,

I am currently using UG NX1 software at home. I am having the problem in the installation of the software. The problem which i am having is below.

Unigraphics initialization error-
UG FLEXlm Error: The license server has not
been started yet, or UGII_LICENSE_FILE is set to the wrong
port@host. [-15]


Anyone who knows the solution of the problem, please tell me.


Rohit Mahajan
Hi Rohit

Follow the below steps for license install.

1) Know your computer Name (rightclick on my computer ->Properties ->Computername)

2) Copy the License.Dat file from CD and remove the READONLY in the Properties.

3) Open the Dat / Lic file using notepad and rename the COMPUTERNAME with YOUR COMPUTERNAME (which u have got from step 1

4) Save the file and when installing the icense server select this license file and complete the installation.

5) After installation of Unigrphics and LIcense server, go to Program Files->Unigraphics->Flexlmtools and click license Options and drop the designer modules to the let box (U can add Studio, Manufacturing also)

Bye by

Hi harishkabbor,

Thanks for ur response. I hadexactly done that which u have told now.

Regarding the license options, I am also getting an error while opening that.

The error is


Please tell me the solution.


Rohit Mahajan
Hi Rohit

Follow the below steps for license install.

1) Know your computer Name (rightclick on my computer ->Properties ->Advanced

2)click on environment variables.

3)here in system variables click on new.

4)here for variable name write UGII_LICENSE_FILE

and for variable valuewrite&a mp;a mp;a mp;a mp;n bsp; 27000@your computer name

its done.

if ur problem is not solved then go and check this blog for full details....


Edited by: chander1458
<DIV>Hello Chander,</DIV>
<DIV> First of all thanks for some tips.</DIV>
<DIV> But, my problem has not got solved. I still get the same problem.</DIV>
<DIV> Tell me whether it affects the running of UG if my windows is installed on FAT system and not on NTFS system.</DIV>
<DIV> Thanks again.</DIV>
<DIV> Ok Bye.</DIV>
<DIV>Rohit Mahajan</DIV>
hello friends

i recieved many mails about errors in installation of UG NX

so i m writing tiops for solutions.

1) Open the ugnx.lic and change computername or host in the first line, to your computer name. Copy the license to the

Flexlm installation director. Setup Flexlm services as required.

2) Set the License environment:


right click on my computer and click on properties.

A) for your computername click on the tab Computer Name.

B) go to in addvance tab.

click on environement variables.

click on new tab

in variable name write UGII_LICENSE_FILE

in variable values write 27000@COMPUTER

then open ur lmtools.exe from licensing tool.


click on configure using services.

then click on menu: start/stop/reread

then stop running server

then again click on service/license file menu

select configuration using license file.

click on browse and select the file downloaded.

then click on coniguration using services.

click on start/stop/reread menu

click on start server.

its done.

3). Run the program.
Here's my error message.......can anyone help me?

Flexible License Manager status on Tue 1/23/2007 22:33

[Detecting lmgrd processes...]
License server status: 27000@WORKSTATION1
License file(s) on WORKSTATION1: C:\Program Files\UGS\NX 3.0\UGFLEXLM\ugnx3.lic:

lmgrd is not running: License server machine is down or not responding.
See the system adminstrator about starting the license server system, or
make sure you're referring to the right host (see LM_LICENSE_FILE).
License path: 27000@WORKSTATION1
FLEXnet Licensing error:-96,7. System Error: 11001 "WinSock: Host not found (HOST_NOT_FOUND)"
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,
available at "".
Flexible License Manager status on Tue 1/23/2007 22:34

[Detecting lmgrd processes...]
License server status: 27000@LAPTOP1
License file(s) on LAPTOP1: C:\Program Files\UGS\NX 3.0\UGFLEXLM\ugnx3.lic:

lmgrd is not running: Cannot connect to license server system.
The license server manager (lmgrd) has not been started yet,
the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the
port or hostname in the license file has been changed.
Server name:
License path: 27000@LAPTOP1
FLEXnet Licensing error:-15,10. System Error: 10061 "WinSock: Connection refused"
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide,
available at "".
Is this a licensed version of UG? You said you were running it at Home. UGS takes a very dim view of any pirated softwere usage.
hello everybody.

plz help me. i have one problem whenever i install ug nx 5.

the error shows

" Error 1335 : the cabinate file '' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. this could indicate a network error,an error reading from the cd-rom or a problem with this package"

so plzzzz help me frdz. how can i rectify this error????????
After complete installation of UG NX 7.5, it shows a message as 'server id not found'.
What to do?
Where to find this server id?
Please help me ASAP!
this is how i got it working...

open cmd and change directory to C:\Program Files\UGS\UGSLicensing It has lmgrd in it.

then typed lmgrd -z It said license location not found/exist c:\flexlm\licence.lic
So added new environmental variable LM_LICENSE_FILE with address C:\Program Files\UGS\UGSLicensing\nx5.lic

again typed imgrd-z in cmd.....said 28000 port taken. So opened nx5.lic and changed the port number in first line from "SERVER this_host ID=20070424 28000" to "SERVER this_host ID=20070424 27000".

Then ran lmgrd -z again...server started successfully....then opened nx5 success!!
plm license error is misssing

hello friends

i recieved many mails about errors in installation of UG NX

so i m writing tiops for solutions.

1) Open the ugnx.lic and change computername or host in the first line, to your computer name. Copy the license to the

Flexlm installation director. Setup Flexlm services as required.

2) Set the License environment:


right click on my computer and click on properties.

A) for your computername click on the tab Computer Name.

B) go to in addvance tab.

click on environement variables.

click on new tab

in variable name write UGII_LICENSE_FILE

in variable values write 27000@COMPUTER

then open ur lmtools.exe from licensing tool.


click on configure using services.

then click on menu: start/stop/reread

then stop running server

then again click on service/license file menu

select configuration using license file.

click on browse and select the file downloaded.

then click on coniguration using services.

click on start/stop/reread menu

click on start server.

its done.

3). Run the program.

can u make a video for overcoming this plm lisence error missing because i have tried almost everything but then LAO ITS showing the error, please help me ot in this and the video which u make wll help lot of people

