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Interview Questions in ProE

nice topic
I always thought that the ability to find the answers to questions was important for anyone in any job in any walk of life. Suraj knew where to find the answers. Now all he has to do is explore the answers he's been given a little, and he'll understand them.

I don't think I know a single engineer who knows every equation he or sheuses by heart. What does one do when they can't remember something off the top of their head? They look it up. The real skill here is in knowing where to look. Suraj knows where to look.

I've worked with people who will fish around for an answer to something for days on end, just playing around within Pro-E for example, thinking they'll eventually hit on the answer. Efficient use of resources like this forum could have saved them tons of wasted time. It's certainly done that for me. I say good work, Suraj, and congratulations!

Of course, I'm just defending the fact that I'm a newbie who's constantly fishing for answers here on the forum!
Pretty much blowing my own horn here!
sanjeevkar1 said:
rename the trail file and give.txt extension to it.

in pro/e for to tool tab and click on play trail/training file.

that's it.

oh yes edit the text file and remove some last lines where pro/e crashed.

and there are some config file settings also

trail_delay: give soem numeric value to it

set_trail_single_step: yes


Thanks very much for this comment. It help me to think about
my ideals.

Apart from that, this link below may be

Manufacturing interview questions

Tks again and pls keep posting.

Edited by: jerryvn01
I have been using Pro/E for about seven years full-time, and I couldn't answer a number of these questions: Ihave rarely (if ever)used a number of the functions mentioned. But I have to agree with verge: an engineer isn't expected to know everything, but he is expected to know where to look it up. I suspect most of the questions I couldn't answer could be found using 'Help' in Pro/E (or by querying fellow users on this forum), and that should be an acceptable answer.
design-engine said:
I prefer these types of questions over the multiple choice questions.


I agreed with you. Any way, your ideal make me
thinking about some thing for my project.

Apart from that, this link below may be useful:Top interview questions

Pls try to keep posting.Tks and best regards

Edited by: vegetablevn
sanjeevkar1 said:
11. publish geometry is a tool in pro/e that can collect surfaces. datums and other fearture. and can be used in making a new part. (i hope i explained it right)

15. reroute is taking the feature up or down in model tree. and redifine is defining the feature again.

These are two that need to be revisited. It may havebeen something that was unrecoverable when the server crashed but:

11. Publish geometry is a collection of references that can be copied to another model but is not a copy of the geomerty features. A copy geometry feature can then be created that references this single feature to copy the geometry references to another part.

15. Reroute allows you to specify new references for a failing feature. Redefine allows you to specify new references and also modify the geometry of a failing feature.
Edited by: kdem
in reverse, always load good questions for my students to shoot out during an interview. i know what managers want to hear thus adjust my questions accordingly.
design-engine said:
16. name three types of plastics
Dear friends
<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
I like Pro/Engineer forum: Modeling very much.

Very useful for me.

sanjeevkar1 said:
11. publish geometry is a tool in pro/e that can collect surfaces. datums and other fearture. and can be used in making a new part. (i hope i explained it right)

please let me know how much i am right

and i need answer of 2 question

The "Publish Geometry" is a feature that you would create in one part that you use to collect geometrical references (surfaces etc.). The primary purpose is to access that information in another part (usually by using a copy geometry). This is typically used in the "Top Down Design" process by using publish and copy geometry features to "pass down" geometrical references from the top level skeletons to lower level skeletons and parts. This aids in external reference control.
sanjeevkar1 said:
ok let me try a few

15. reroute is taking the feature up or down in model tree. and redifine is defining the feature again.

please let me know how much i am right

and i need answer of 2 question

What you described is actually a "reorder" not a "reroute".

Reroute (aka "Edit References") allows you to change a feature's reference from one parent feature's geometrical reference to a geometrical reference on another parent feature. For example, if a protrusion's sketching plane were on a particular block surface, you can "reroute" the sketching plane to a surface on a different block surface. This would effectively move the feature from block1 to block2. Note that you can only reference features that precede the feature you are rerouting.

Reorder is when you change the order of the feature creation in the part. This can easily be accomplished by dragging the features in the model tree. Pro/E (or Creo/Pro now I guess) will not allow you to reorder features before features that it references. (ie. the child features cannot precede the parent features).

(Sometimes, if you're unlucky, or model poorly you can achieve this and create circular reference conditions which should be resolved unless you want regen issues.)

Redefine is also known as "Edit Definition" and simply allows you change the feature's definition and accesses all the feature definition information that you would have if you were creating the feature.

These are the "3 R's" of Pro/E modeling
sanjeevkar1 said:
ok let me try a few

16. simplified representation is to make the part or assembly simple. containing only the required fetures ar parts. skelton model is a part having some datums and surface. from referance of whisn other parts are made.

This is basically correct, but it should also be noted that you can create "graphical" and "geometrical" type simplified representations as well. So, it isn't exclusive to just ones you create by excluding features or components (technically assembly features anyway).

Personally, I have only found the type of reps where you exclude components or features to be useful. Graphical / Geometrical reps look like a hairy mess, but I guess do reduce regeneration time and memory requirements (the primary purpose of simplified reps.)
Hi friends I'm Varun with 2.5 yrs of experience in power plant operation.I've grt interest in design field n i'm trying to grab a opportunity in design field.Monday i got interview in Mahindra satyam hyderabad.. so pls give some interview questions n how to prepare for the interview.

I found that a member asked same question in this forum some
months ago.

Pls use search box to find this questions with comments

If you want to get more materials that related to this
topic, you can visit:

engineer interview questions

Best regards.

Edited by: hua052011
4. k-factor is ratio of neutral line location distance from inner reddi to total thikness t/T.
k-factor is used to calculate y-factor.
y-factor= k-factor *1.57

