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Involute Gear design

thanks a lot
Good day,

Could anyone help me in designing spur gear model in pro e,
having datas: Module-15 & Teeth-13, also i appreciate if you help me in calculating pressure angle

Thanks in advance

Edited by: Jospeh
Hey Brad H.:

You sure opened a kettle of worms! :)

My question is, "for what"? What is the productive purpose in modeling an involute?
i have problem in designing involute gear. I had alraedydownload the Pro-E files from mcad library. But shame to say no idea on the design calculation. Can somebody help to draw involute gear OD- 16mm. Another OD - 25mm. Both need to match for rotation purpose. Thanks.

Use the web app at to create your metric gear and to download the dxf profile! B.R.
Use the web app at to create your metric gear and to download the dxf profile! B.R.

Dear Dross, my application is not spam, it's a free web application to create standard and corrected spur gears, to download the dxf profile of the gear and to study the involute profile of the gears. Useful for cad designers, students and researchers.


