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iPhone Pro/Engineer Model, Anyone?

Looking at the pictures of the real Iphone 3G it looks like the back "rounds" are more elliptical... but here is my newbie question: if I sketch an ellipse arc I can not set G2 curvature, I tried building something like the back shell of the IPhone 3G using this picture as a source:


To me it looks like there is a couple of elliptical rounds on the short edge, rounds on the long edge look "sharper", and then there are rounds from the front view... Is there a way to sketch "something" that is G2 continuous? I managed to produce something like this:

using two sketch profiles (one larger and one smaller) and a serie of boundary blends (curvature continuous)

Hey James, any joy scanning the Iphone?? I did a quick scan of my Iphone last night without any surface treatment, obviously it did not scan properly but I dont fancy "dusting" it up to get a good scan!!!!

Have you had any joy.

Is there a way to sketch "something" that is G2 continuous?

if you sketch a line, and then a spline.... you set tangency by using the "tangecy constrain" (by clicking at the line, then the sketch...and so on..)

when you have done can also click on "equal lenght constrain" and do the same procedure again (line -spline). then you get a "C" (next to the "T" that indicates tangency) that is supposed to indicate curvature....

I dont know how accurate this is, or if i it really is "G2" , somebody else might know?

Edited by: tobbo
tobbo said:
when you have done can also click on "equal lenght constrain" and do the same procedure again (line -spline). then you get a "C" (next to the "T" that indicates tangency).

Wow, that's true! At least in WF5.0 (gotta check 2.0) if you hover on the "equal" constraint it says that it creates "equal length, equal radii, EQUAL CURVATURE" :O
itworks in wildfire 2 also...... but am not sure if it really is G2 continuity because it just doesnt look like G2 under the Reflection (zebra) analyses

Edited by: Miko
Miko said:
itworks in wildfire 2 also...... but am not sure if it really is G2 continuity because it just doesnt look like G2 under the Reflection (zebra) analyses

Judging from the curvature plot and section analysis it looks like it IS G2 continuity, it's not G3, as you can see also from the plot in the previous post, but then, it can also be G2 continuous and don't look too good in zebra for some reasons :O
Seems like every other day I learn of some "new" feature in Pro/E that has been there the whole time :)

I wonder how useful this is and/or what it's limitations are...
mcgowanp said:
Hey James, any joy scanning the Iphone?? I did a quick scan of my Iphone last night without any surface treatment, obviously it did not scan properly but I dont fancy "dusting" it up to get a good scan!!!!

Have you had any joy.


Hey Paddy!

yeah.. not an easy one to scan with an optical scanner!! but yeah, I think I've had some luck! :)

I've only uploaded a quarter of it to keep file size down.. should be enough to model tho!

I put a screen protector covered in masking tape over the screen for protection andeliminaterelections, you can see the spet and it's not there on the real phone!

Scaned with a Gom Atos for referance.

Paddy, what did you try to scan it with?

hope it helps and I look forward to seeing everyone attepmts! I'll give it a go over the next weekor so... depending on how busy I am!

james.lynch said:
design-engine said:
I was going to say... the back of that thing is all G2

G2 atthe very least I would think..

Looking at the profile it seems it has no real "flat" part on the back :O Looks like one gadget that will spin a lot once placed on a flat plane :) I'd like to see how a part like this should be modeled, I'll play a little with it, but I'm too new to surface modeling to get something really good :)

