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ISDX & surface connections


New member
i have problems with surface connections...

cant change leader/follower arrow direction.

connection arrows dont show (seems random)

"follower surface must be a style surface" (it is!)

"cannot change connections. surfaces must be regenerated" (they are)

"cross curves not connected with the same continuity as the connection" (they are)

things not regenerating with automatic regeneration on

generally inconsistant. curve connections work though.

maybe someone experiences this? otherwise i might re-install or jump from a bridge or something

Hi borf.. what version are you using and can you post a problem part and I'll see if I have the same problems..


Hi guys. I have similar problem.
But I am only beginner in ISDX. I am looking for some tutorials of ISDX but everybody are ignore me.
. I am working on model of aeroplane with help of tracesketch.

I dont know how can I create some curves in ISDX or 3D curves in ISDX.

Can I create surface in style with curves that were notcreatedin style? I am working in WF2.


View attachment 1055

This model was create without ISDX. I used boundary.
Miko.. please upload your part.

the best free ISDX tutorials I've come accrossare avaliable in the help section.

you can reference curves in style that were not created within style..

James I am sending part of aeroplane to your email. I cant upload, sorry.

I have some problem with myWindows XP.
Speling: But this surfaces was create with boundry, not with ISDX.

Thank you for everything.

I can send to you my partif you want..
Edited by: Miko
If I rememberyou candraw line that is tangent to
some other surface - If that line is control line in style you will
ok after experimenting i can establish connections between boundry
surfaces but not blend surfaces. the help doesnt mention this. 1
surface here is a blend, one boundry. they cant be connected (wf2
student/home version) thanks for your help.

<div style="text-align: left;">

View attachment 1057
Edited by: borf
use the SHIFT KEY.. really..go through the tutorials in the help! they are very good!

borf, I have to wait to get back in to the office in college to open your studend edition part, I'll look at it then..

appreciate it. i thought the file might be compatible...again the problem is making connections to blend (radial) surfaces.
Miko said:
Hi all. I am trying to create curve in ISDX. I cant snap curve on tneedge of thesuface.

View attachment 1070

if this curve is planar, and the edge ofthe semi circular extrusion should al;so be onthis plane, use the shift key to snap the curve to the edge. you should see the edge turn a dark burgendy (red/brown) when you are trying to snapthe curve to it!

hope this helps,

Borf, Miko,

Creating geometry in ISDX requires some experience, I'm afraid.
Borf, your problems mentioned sound familiar. Although I cannot solve your problems here, I can give some general tips, which could be of help.

Allthough it doesn't seems so, different geometry in one style feature does know some history. So it is sometimes impossible to influence one surface to another. The tips can be to remove the first surface,keep (or redefine) the second surface and then create the first one (now the second) after that. Influence should then be possible.

Another tip is not to create too many geometry in one style feature. Once created some curves and one surface for example, finalise it, and create a new one. So the history of all those fancy surfaces is more in hand. It's a bit like sketcher: not more that 12 entities in one sketch.

Another tip for boundary influence is to securely (query) select those edges of existing surfaces, instead of the curves that generated that surface. Your desired boundary influence is than in most cases generated automaticaly.

Miko: Nice Dolphin you have there. For the desired tangency: make sure your boundary curves which generate your surface are tangent or curvature continous in the first place!

follow on the tutorial for th ekettle that you are doing and it tell you.. it's very dificult to explain the fundamentals on a forum, but you edit the curve, click on one of it's end points and this shows a yellow drag handle, right click on this handle and select "surface tangent"
Miko said:
Hi all.

How can I create depend mirror of thesurfaces and rounds in Wild FIre???

Miko, please start a new topic if your question belongs in a new topic.. it's very frustrating when your thread get's hijacked! also do a search on the forum before posting the question.. I've covered this topic as early as last week..

but to answer your question click on the "options" tab and select the "dependent" radio button..


