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Lack of experience

I have read your posts and hear your pain. We help ME's all the time thru training. Give me a call next week and I can talk to you about federal grant money that might help you with cost of training here with us.

There is also lot that can happen by adding specific key words to your resume. like 'surfacing' or plastics or FEA. Confidence in your voice can help too especially for over the phone interviews. One silly guy in our office added Wildfire to my resume and uploaded it to and I got 10 calls in a month from agencies. It could be that simple.

Bart Brejcha
I'm still a student, but at the moment I'm on a work placement year with a company using Pro/E.

When I leave uni, I will have 3 years experience with pro/e and 1 years working full time, but I have found out young, that networking is the way to go.

From a young age of 18 I was doing a carbon fibre project with the UK aviation ministry of defence as work experience. I then started doing little bits of free work for different bike companies ( the area i want to get into) while in my first and second years at uni, building up a cv, and will continue to do so in my final year.

By doing this free work I am starting to build myself a comfortable bed and already have 2 job oppitunities (sp) once I leave uni, but this is also due to my passionate nature to the subject I want to do.

Moral of the story: Network and gather more experience, then once you think you have enough, do some more.

I know I am very young (22) but I am very lucky to learn about how influential networking can be to your career from a young age.

I hope this has any sort of help
Hi everyone

I am back, working for minimum wage, at least working; just finished Solid Works 2003,
Uni Phil

Thanks for the good words, when I was 22, I drank milk and wine from the same bottle, now I can
You may want to try and lose that chip on your shoulder and also realize you're not God's gift to creation.

Believe you're in SD and I am too, most people wouldn't touch you with a barge pole with an attitude like that :)
I have 5 yrs exprience in proe & 7 yrs in mechanical engineering and product design. This alone is not enough to get me work! Although i have the experience i do not have a degree, i am stuck in a loop in which i cannot go forward.

To learn i first need a job, to get a job i first need to learn

I just go round in circles !!!

no offense, but if you whine in interviews as much as you did in this post it will be hard to find a spot. I have interviewed probably 50 people you join our team with all levels of experience (including my own manager) and the whining is an extreme turnoff. These poor people you are interviewing you also have to work with you.
You guys start loosing your attitude problems and stop whining. This is not an exercise, this is real, I am educated and need better income, but you find all excuses to keep me away from you, just because I may do more than you, may be faster than you or just different as you-and stop discriminating by finger pointing and dressing up a simple help to major personality problems. If I would agree with you, I would be your twin, and may shoot myself just knowing it.
You guys start loosing your attitude problems and stop whining.

This is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black...

Boy do you have a high opinion of yourself, lose the chip...
You may also want to work your resume better, according to your profile here you're experienced and familiar in a lot of things - bfd !!! wtf is this ??

(ANSI/ASME Y 14.5 M) Modeling

What exactly makes you a superior being ?, how many hours on Pro/E/SolidWorks etc do you have ? What are your major accomplishments ? - be specific without using jargon. Use action words like completed, won, designed, led etc.

In, all the classes your highness has taken you've omitted some resume writing classes, time to come off your high horse
Help comes to those that help themselves.

You don't get anywhere if you don't do the footwork.

Once worked with someone who would read the paper from 8-9, break at 9, make phone calls at 9:30... And, would complain enough to progress professionally with the rest of us. Unfortunately, some of us have to bust our butts to achieve that advancement. To come in here and complain we are not helping you, is a sad statement. In the end, you might be like my fellow employee, but I doubt it. You should close this thread. I, for one, have heard enough :)
Its probably too bad that many young people enter the workforce these days thinking they should be guaranteed employment. Maybe schools need to add courses on realistic career expectations.

We have a myth left over from the last generations that says:

'build it and they will come' or 'build a better mousetrap and the world beats a path to your door'.

Sorry, but its not like that at all. Unfortunately, a lot of it is luck, a lot of of it mind boggling hard work, but most of it is patience. Brick by brick, my brothers.
Right - Brothers and Sisters and Speling too.

One more thing to add to all the excellent advice -

find a mentor - even if you think you know everything, there's always somebody out there who you can learn from.

