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Layer File


New member

I have a question

I can save layers to a file.

Are there any options that allow me to point to

that file, similiar to a .dtl file??

Which layer file are you interested in using?

If you save the layers from the layer tree, the answer is "no". At least there isn't any config option I've heard about.

You can create a "" file with the desiredlayers specified by the option "def_layer". There isn't a direct option to call this file, but you can cheat and use the "search_path_file" option in your main file to call the "" file.

Any other ideas out there?

Thanks for the response,

What I want to do is to create several different layer files (for different types of parts). I want to store them in Intralink (or a directory). When I create a new part, I want not have scroll to Intralink or a directory. I will try the search_path_file option

I have never used layer files so I do not know the bennefit of using them. Mayby someone can explain me the bennefit

Another solution is to make different part templetes. In the template you can specify the layers as you like.
All you need is create start part , start drawing, and start assembly templates with your desired layers.


I could have different start parts for different situations (Casting, Plastic, Machined etc) but I wanted to avoid that if possible. I want a user to start with one template
and be able to import the layers

Thanks for the suggestions

Personally I use layers in my templates so I never have to worry about what file has been read. But the "def_layer" optiongenerates layersdifferently than layers intemplates. It actually reduces layer clutter.

The option only creates layers when the associated entity type is created in the model. So there aren't any unused layers. In other words, if you don't create an axis in the model, the default axis layer does not exist. Also, if you open a model already containing axes, it will not create the layer until the next axis is created. It won't put previous axes on the layer either.

Since the def_layer option can/should be used more than once, don't put it in the config.sup file unless you want to prevent people from using it. The syntax for creatinga default axislayer is: "def_layer layer_axis 03_all_axes".

Good Luck

