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Library parts getting overwritten


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I work for a smaller firm so we dont have windchill. Recently, we were given laptops to work on. We are set up so that our pro e library is on our server AND on our C: drive (so we can work offline). We have been running an batch file to copy newer files from our server to our hard drive.
The problem that Ive come across is that when saving assemblies, on occasion it will save an instance of a library part to the C drive. When an update is made to the server side library and then copied over to our hard drives we are not getting the updated version since our hard drive is at a higher version that of the server side.
Has anyone else ran into this? Im wondering if there are any utilities that I could use to get around this?
As far as library files are concerned, if you remove the numbered section of the file name, you will always open that version eg

screw.prt.1 rename to screw.prt

As long as there is a version of the part without a numbered extension in the library, this will be the part that will open, regardless of later iterations.
does not appear to be the case when I tested it. I deleted the numbers
and made a change to it and saved it. I saw where it made another
instance (.2). I then erased my memory and opened that part up to find
that it had the change, it was a .2.
Its not intentional. Its hard for me to speak for what everyone is doing in their assemblies. Bottom line is that they are getting saved and without people knowing it. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks
As far as I know in Creo 1.0, I can only make the features read only. This didn't work. It still saves a new instance.
Have you tried these settings?

Save_object_in_current no
Override_store_back no

Then make the directory with the library read only (via the operating system).
I do the about the same thing except I create my projects on my C drive and sync them with a network drive. I use SyncToy from Microsoft. It's free and you can get it here...
[url] Lang=en&id=15155[/url]
I use the "Echo" option which makes the destination folder a clone of the source folder. There are 2 other options, choose the one that is right for you.
SyncToy is pretty easy to use and works really well.
Edited by: robrific
Have a look at your search paths to see if anyone has copied the file to a different directory.

Also, check to see if the library is in your search path list - if it is, remove it.
Your best and safest bet is to save the new instance out from the library family table. Use the library as a basis to start from. The way the libraries are set up they are nested family tables. Should your company ever decide to migrate into Windchill, these will create a nightmare. Not to mention it is not very conducive to adding parameters to the tables like Part Number, descriptions, etc.


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