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Lota Modeling

Hi All!!!

This is my achievement!!!

View attachment 1986

Thanks CP, Zaki
Hi Guys,

This was actually quite an interesting model, and quite tough ( for me ). figuring out how to get all the angles etc for the triangular parts etc.It took me quite some time to model this ( approx 2 hours i think, with work interuptions
) and as you all know, I have not done much work with surfaces. You will be happy to know, and I was very pleased to know, that what I ended up with is created totally from surfaces and sweeps etc.

A great exersize Zaki, it helped me with both surfacingand alsocreating the initial geometry etcand glad I finally got a little time to have a go.

I decided to shape the bowl a little fatter to be different from those already posted, Ididn`t really have much time for an intricate spout etc, or a nice render... but anyway, this is my effort... hope you like

View attachment 1987

View attachment 1988
Thank you stuhzy for your model ... As I can see this is not a pattern
hmm .. I see that I must study the Advanced modeling methods = Blend,Parallel,Regular section..

Hi CP .. Can you explain your method of thosecomplex shapes of vase .or just upload the file please?
CPiotrowski said:
Nice job foolman and skint, are your models hollow as well?

Hey CP, thanks

Was quite a tough challenge I thought. Certainly challenged my skills for a 2 hour project anyway, I like these challenges, they force me to learn. It was really my first attempt at surfacing ( havne`t even attempted any manuals yet

Yes, mine is hollow. However, I didnt thicken the bowl etc. Didn`t have time, but heres an image with section :

View attachment 1994

P.S Cp, I went and bought Ghost Recon this afternoon. So may see you online soon. I haven`t addedyou as a friend yet because my xbox live card hasn`t arrived yet, my free month ran out today
Nice jobs all

Foolman, skint and rmatija

nice efforts. My part was hybrid, diamond shape in sweeps and spout by boundry blend.

miko, MY ENTIRE CENTER BODY WAS PATTERNED. Look at that hint picture I posted, that should pretty much explkain how to achieve the center of the vase. If you cannot get it let me know.
CPiotrowski wrote:

Nice job foolman and skint, are your models hollow as well?

Hi CP!!!

Your work really nice, it shows me how to touch teapot. Thanks

I finished only by surfaces. So, it'shollow but not smooth

Best Regards

View attachment 1996
< = defer>

Sorry guys

It is made in WF3 pre production I am extremely sorry. If u dont have it I will make itin WF2 soon


