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MCAD Central Forum Decline?

Pro-e users are more professional than SW users and have more jobs to complete. so they have less time to reply to rubbish threads in forums

JOKE.... no SW bashers please !
Was thinking of picking up SW as it seems a lot of smaller companies are using it since it is a tiny bit cheaper than Pro/E. It seems like any more now days the heavy hitters (Pro/E and Catia) are found in your larger companies but some of the smaller places that may be a supplier might not be able to afford 10 seats of Pro/E, but they can afford SW. Or even the smaller yet mom and pop shops that want 3D capability without the cost.

But then again, it is another system for me to have to try and remember. Now that I think about it, I've had training in all but UG/NX and SW.
do not turn this post into SW vs Pro/e battle, this journey has not end

it is visible, more and more poeple discuss about SW, there is heavy" traffic on SW forums, such great Pro/E ones could only envy.

I think at the end it turns into snowball effect - less activity, less users, less activity, less user and so on.

Question to answer - does it really depend(Pro/E condition) on popularity among forums? - No

Does the traffic on forum depends on popularity of CAD sytem? - Yes
I'm simply stating that I was thinking of learning SW so that I can have be more flexible if I were to change jobs. I can not comment as to which is the better program since I have not used both, but what I do know is that one costs less than the other. It is a simple fact. So, do you understand why I'd want to learn SW, if you say SW is more popular.

I can start a thread SW vs. Pro/E if I want to.
Leo, no offence

stick to to the topic, that was my intention - I see this(activity on Pro/E Forum) going down year by year. Still, I am not sure if it is true or only it looks like because I`ve got narrowed perspective, from the place I stand(end user)
No offence taken, but I believe I started this thread. Someone made a comment about SW and I gave a reply stating that I was thinking about getting some SW training. I do not see how that is all of a sudden you seem to think it is turning into battle between SW and Pro/E. Simply put SW is a popular alternative to Pro/E and a number of companies are using it. Personally, I think it would be a nice skill to have if someone were looking for a new job.

Thank you for continuing to take this off coarse.
SolidWorks is a less active forum than Pro/E at least on the MCAD-central sight mainly cause it started out as a Pro/E forum as Pro/E central forum.

Use of this forum also may be down because other forums have other sites supplying file uploads where MCAD central has taken file uploads into the 3d supplier arena. I'm sorry but they really let the uploads portion of this sight die out with a slow painful death.

Maybe I should open a Poll to let Jason Turk know how much people miss the ability to upload and share files without 3D Content Central.

If you want to learn about SolidWorks post some questions on that forum and maybe send me a PM and I can help you out directly.

You may also think of adding the RSS feeds as bookmarks so you can see recent topics without using the Active Forums since (# hours, last week/month) page which I use a lot since I mainly use other forums which have added file upload capabilities. It may be a tidal wave effect that lower # of posts reduce site popularity.

Catia RSS>
Inventor RSS>

I do like that fact that posts here can be edited and allow for external links or uploads of images. The image upload requirements are a bit restrictive though. I actually edited this and while doing so noticed audctrl posted smilar post on the inventor forum.

The file uploaded is of the wrong file type.
Files must be of the type, zip, rar. tried swf no dice :(

file type attached in zip is (*.swf) shockwave flash and can be opened with IE or real player and several other media players. It shows how the RSS feeds appear it shows most recent forum posts on top and older below.

Edited by: mjcole_ptc
All things have a saturation level. I remember the days
when I was almost addicted to the forum. With the climbing
of corporate ladder, the focus is now elsewhere. It is also
possible that there is ENOUGH material / solutions already
generated, that people get their solutions through a

I'm a new/old user. I lost my passwoed to my older user account and created a new one. Anyways, I enjoy the site. I just signed up for the email notifications. I like that.

I've also posted some questions and received some replies. Thanks to all that helped me out.

My perception is that with the economy in the doldrums, less people are working, less Pro-E, SW, Catia, etc, users are available to go to sites like this. We may be in the trough for many more months ahead. We need to continue to forge ahead and still help each other out though. Looking back on what was is good as it gives hindsight as to what we would like now. It's tough living through change that causes the loss of good colleagues and sees sites like this decline a little. But we shall rise again toa height that will support us. I look forward to talking, and working,with you here.

Thanks Again, Jay Crook.
Welcome back jcrook.

Yeah, For me, I don't remember when, I just stopped getting update emails from the site some time last summer. I basically forgot about it after a while. I have not been here in almost a year. Then when the site crashed last month the emails started back up, so here I am.

Like most I'm on PTCUser and this site. I find PTCUser more technical, and this site more exploratory, social, and amusing as well as informational. They both have their place.
All things have a saturation level. I remember the days
when I was almost addicted to the forum. With the climbing
of corporate ladder, the focus is now elsewhere. It is also
possible that there is ENOUGH material / solutions already
generated, that people get their solutions through a

Somewould argue that just because fewer people can think of new things doesn't mean there isn't anything new to think about. Is that what PTC Project Lightning is trying to address?

Of course, others think we've reached your pointand we're due for a stretch of treading water.

