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Model of a nickel


just add the model to a post so we can all download it. i'd like to see it.

add another post, then go back into the thread & you will see the attachment icon.
I am a little modest when it comes to my work and it is deffinantly not finished. I can post it if you like but I would like to hear a little feedback from Eserv first just incase there is something real wrong with it that I didn't notice.

The zip file with the 2 models is 742 KB so I don't know if that is to big to post. STL files are huge so from a Pro/E standpoint I would like to know which format he like better that way I can remove one of them from the zip file before posting.
I think you did a great job. I'm not familiar with 3D Studio Max, but I definitely would be interested in learning. What is 3D Studio intended to be used for? I opened both the .stl and .wrl files and they looked really close to being the same, so either one would work. Looks GREAT!! Is 3D Studio hard to learn on my own?
Glad you liked it.

3ds max is primarily used for 3 things: game development, film/video, and design visualization. It is mostly just a hobby of mine but I love it. I could have made it look better but it would have taken more time. I threw that together very quickly.

max is the type of program you can really jump in and start using very quickly. I am sure you could teach your self how to use it (that is how I learned). One of the great things about max is that it ships with really good tutorials that will teach you how to use the tools available (and the documentation in the help files are massive). There is soooo much to know about it though I have been using max for like 2.5 years and still feel like a beginner. The program is very different then Pro/E. It is a lot more free-style and unlike Pro/E it has no problem letting you create bad geometry. It

