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Model Tree empty

he can call my suggestion trival...i don't care, its not my model

But you are right...any time I ask for help, I always try what is suggested
dross, extreme;

I think "trivial" is simply a "translation" thing (doubt English is Hari's native language). A few of other things to consider: (1) Model tree visibility issues have been pretty thoroughly ruled out if you'll read the thread. (2) A collapsed model tree does not show the Insert Here Icon (? ref the posted pic; true of all releases of Pro/E?). (3) How you might reply to irrelevant or redundant suggestions.
> ... native language ...

Tho' it's quite good, Hari. I was basing that on your country and name. Without that I'd probably have assumed it was your native language.

Edited by: jeff4136

Now we got something positive here. I must admit that his kind of mess up I didn't see before, seams that whoever modeled this model has done some seriously wrong things.

You said that version before works fine, thats god, you can open this version before mes up, and compeering that model and last state model see what was done before mess up (what feature, or features were created).
Then if you repeat this actions would result be the same (again mess up in model) or would it work.

It seams to me that this last version of model become somehow corrupted of some illegal operations while modeling, and because of that features disappear from model tree, and you have all that strange things you described.

Also while opening this "corrupted" model watch message lines and what there is written, maybe there is message of error in model and where error is.
Another thing you should try is to open this "corrupted" model, go to Info, Model, see what it would say, and then try with Info, Feature List, see if there would be list of features.

Let us know what you have find out from that.
Dross & extreme,

Iam so sorry that that word has affected you in a wrong way..

As Jeff said, the issue is in the first few parts o this thread and I have already tried the suggestion of double clicking(the very first thing i tried), that is why I call it trivial, because it is so simple to miss that option!!

In India, the official tech language is English!! so i meant it..

Israir, I could not run the trial or model it falls out of sequence even before the suspected operation is peformed..

Also, in iNfo -> model. feature is just empty!!..

I will only reply / update this thread if and only if i have a news on this problem either from PTC orone of my colleague who works on that problem now..

Thanks for your support , all ..

I will be back on other threads though! :)

I apologize for tha word "trivial"..

I didn't mean to run trail file, sorry for misunderstanding.
What I meant is to open previous version of that particular part, that worked,and have all features in model tree.
For example; part_name.prt.1, part_name.prt2,.... part_name.prt.38, part_name.prt.39.
Now part_name.prt.39 is the one which is corrupted, and last working health version of part is part_name.prt.38.
Open this health part part_name.prt.38, rename it to part_name_health.prt, save it.
Now open corrupted part (part_name.prt.39) and examining model geometry (visually examining, not using model payer) try to identify which features were created after health version of part (compeering to geometry from health part).
For example if health part doesn't have sweep cut and round, and corrupted part have sweep cut and round, then something has gone wrong in creating those features.

Hope you will find solution.

And BTW I'm ISAIR and not IsRair

Edited by: Isair
I have two theories on this issue:

1) The solution is a TRIVIAL
solutionthat hasn't been thought of yet, or

2) One day you'll open the file and there it is. You'll have no idea what happened but it works now and you will never know why!


