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Month and Date in Drawing

Hi Ramu

You can use &todays_date, unfortunately everytime you open the drawing the date will change as this parameter uses the computer date.
Anybody knowing about the date issue in Wildfire 3.0 drawing.

In WF 2.0 if you create a drawing and save it with &todays_date, and you open this drawing a week later it does not automatically adjust the date.


Here is further explanation of what Moroso and Israr are saying.

The "todays_date" system parameteris unique because it can only be used once per drawing.

  1. <LI>Enter "&todays_date" in a format.</LI>
    <LI>Specify option "todays_date_note_format".</LI>
    <LI>Create a new drawing using the format.</LI>

The parameter "&todays_date" will be replaced with today's date (the date the drawing was created). It is no longer a parameter. It is static text. The only way to update the date it is to manually change the String value or to replace the format.

The format of the parameter is specified by the option "todays_date_note_format". In short, a value of "%Mmm %dd,%yyyy" will return "Jun 13, 2005". The full definition of how to use this option is available in the Pro/ENGINEER help files. Just do a global search for the option in the "detailing" functional area.

Hope this helps

Sorry, I just checked the update advisor and apparently PTC isn't globally posting the bugs found in Wildfire 3.0 yet. I guess it has something to do with pre-production. What is the issue you are talking about?


Cool idea. It would be nice if you could control the formatting from within the same cell as the parameter. That way it wouldn't be dependent on each user's config options.

Following that line of thought, the "todays_date_note_format" option should reside in the config.sup for the users so formatting is consistent among all users.

I just tried formatting the cell and it didn't work. I also checked the help files and there was no mention ofdirectly formatting the date.

I discovered that manually entering "&todays_date" in the cell of a table on a regular drawing (notin template mode) automatically replaces the parameter with today's date. It makes sense, I just hadn't tried it before. In the past, when Imanually put the date on the drawing, I'm just going to type it in using the formatting I desire.



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