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mouse wheel zoom direction


New member
Is there a way to change the direction of the zoom when using the mouse wheel? I did a search and found nothing,which brings up another issue. I can do a search for the most common things discussed on the forum and it returns nothing!!! Does anyone else have this problem? Or am I missing something? And, yes, I am logged on when searching.

Thank you Charles for the quick response. Yes, using the correct search helps. Don't know why I didn't notice it before??? Dope slap has been applied to back of head...

Hopefully, someone will have an answer for the other inquiry.
I also have this problem, when I scroll forward I want to zoom in and when I scroll backwards I want to zoom out.

I have tried contacting my VAR but they just tried to sell me a 3DConnexion device - I ain't saying they're no good - I'm just saying I want to flip the zoom behaviour

Even with Pro/E's obnoxious text configuration files it just doesn't seem to be in there.
You can use AutoHotkey to fix that. This script should do it. It changes the scroll wheel direction when Pro|E is active. This means unfortunately that it will scroll in the wrong direction in the model tree for example.

#IfWinActive, ahk_class Dialog

