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I have a sheet metal part that does not show up in my Assembly (Assembly of Sheet metal parts).

It is not supressed, and the sheet metal features are all. Sometimes i just have to "hide" it, and "show" it, and it comes back to view.

Why does it do this? Is my video card not that great?
I have no idea for it.<table width="72" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><col width="72"><tr height="19">
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</tr></table><table width="72" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><col width="72"><tr height="19">
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No. It is not related to your video card.

Try that:
Right click Solid Body for that part (in the tree manager) and choose Show Solid Body.
Try all the possibilities: at part level, at assembly level and even at drawing level.

