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Outsourcing overseas III

My t wo cents on this issue would be that Germany and Egnland have tired this outsourcing crap for years and their unemployment record is the highest in Europe. Many of their technical people are coming here for a better shot at the job market. (which I don't like either)

We seem to be on the same path as them and we are not learning from their mistakes.

The unfortunate truth is that we live in a corporate ruled society in this country, and until the corporate leaders and their freinds feel the pinch, we will all be paying much more than we can afford in the long run.

I suggest everyone who is ticked off about this issue contact their local politicinas to gather a voice and let it be heard louder and louder in the higher offices of our country.

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Couldnt agree with you more. This has been a topic that I have been researching for some time now and certainly have a vested interest in. I would also agree that the politically motivated posts and responses do little to offer real substance to such a topic as only the most naive truly believe that politicians are more than mere puppets and corporate America is the master puppeteer.

'My t wo cents on this issue would be that Germany and Egnland have tired this outsourcing crap for years and their unemployment record is the highest in Europe.'

Hammer up, I don't want to get caught up in the whole outsourcing issue, I just want to say that the UK has actually got the lowest unemployment rate since records began in 1984; it currently stands at 4.7%. In comparison, France stands at 9.6%, Germany at 10.5% and the highest is Spain at 11.2%. So, you see, the UK does not have the highest unemployment rate in Europe, in fact it has one of the lowest.

The US figure is, I believe, at 5.7%.


Sorry, but I can't agree with you there. Only Oliver Stone could believe that the world is run by a shadowy group of corporate masterminds. My point is that politicians have no impact on whether jobs stay here or go overseas - and they shouldn't. Only if they've actually created some social-engineering tax scheme that makes it more advantageous to ship the jobs out do they bear any responsibility for its occurrence and can they influence its impact. The best that we can hope for is that they just stay out of the way. If outsourcing bothers you, then influence the companies that are doing it through their shareholders and employees.

As for those who think that electing Kerry will make a difference in this situation - be careful for what you ask: Rarely has more government control helped anyone.
no one care's a rat's ass of what crap is being written out here. whatever it is technology is the answer, and that lies in the hands of it's benefactors that is the indians and the chinese. so there ain't any point in raising your voice for this cos the ppl who outsourse this know that they get jack shit from doing stuff out here. and that's what prompts them to search higher grounds. You have to appreciate the fact that the economy is improving and the sole reason that the companies are making profit is due to outsourcing
There is a huge imbalance in the wages and standard of living between the developed and third world coutries. As long as this exists jobs will flow out of the high cost areas to the low cost areas. I know all of us who currently enjoy a high standard of living want to protect what we have but this can be a win-win situation as the standard of living raises throughout the third world.

If China keeps growing the way it is their standard of living will improve dramatically along with their wages. Audi now sells more cars in China than it does in the US. China is also the largest market for cell phones and some consumer electronics. Turn them all into a bunch of materialistic consumers and the playing field will start to level out.

I think that you misunderstood my post. I was not trying to be Oliver Stonish or Orwellian but simply wanted to make a point that corporations do run more of the government than most people think. All of the lobbying, big money, pocket lining that goes on, is the driving factor on how decisions are made. It all comes down to money and when it comes to politicians and decision making, they can easily be bought and sold like cheap goods. Simply look at the voting records of the politicians in your state (or any state for that matter) and then compare it to what these pundits were spewing in order to get elected. I am sure that you will find a great disparity (as I have) in what they say, versus what they do. Well documented and the facts cannot be disputed but it should serve as a wake up call to all those naive people out there who believe that their elected officials are covering their six.


