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Parametric notes


New member
Parametric notes....can it be done. For example lets say I have a drawing with this note.



Can you link the note so that if the BOM item number changes the note item number will to? Is there some kind of weird PRO/E code like [?/"":<>16] that would work?
I asked this very question a few months or so ago - then vanished into thin air. First of all, many thanks to all for the replies waaaay back when.

CEM - the short answer/bad news is that - NO - at this time what you want to do cannot be done. When I asked about thisthere was talk of pestering PTC to see if it could be incorporated in some future rev of Pro/E, but to the best of my knowledge it hasn't happened yet.

Darn! I hate having to be scrupulous and review the notes every time I make a change to the drawing. I will have to just to stick to the lazy way for now, and use "fix index" in the bom for the time being. Meanwhile, I guess a bug in PTCs ear too.
I filled out the request on this 2 times now, I don't think enough people are requesting this because this would be a very good thing...
Not sure if this will help you or not; but here it is anyway
I do believe there is a way to designate a parameter i n the part, and specify that parameter within the tabl eto spell out what you require. I have seen this done with specific nut-tourque requirments.
wsylvester said:
Not sure if this will help you or not; but here it is anyway

We are currently doing something similar to that. We have a Make From parameter set up to desginate material. The parameter is in the model and displayed as a note on the drw. What I'm asking for is a BOM linked to notes.

Sometimes I wonder if enhancement requests are even worth it. How about a drivenref ballon command that works. I've had that one out there for awhile.

Seems to me that PTC would be better off hiring CAD people to help develop their software vs Software Engineers or people that have never created a print in their life. Sorry to vent but when your working with such a powerful tool it's frustrating when I can create the same data in AutoCrud with a lot less headaches
>>I filled out the request on this 2 times now, I don't think enough people are requesting this because this would be a very good thing...

The main way that user suggestions make it into the software is not enhancement requests, but through the PTC/User technical committees made up of real-world users. They are always looking for new members on at least one of the committees...

