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Part Names in Relations


New member

When I make dimension relations in Creo, all the variables show up like


for the 12th dimension of part number 3. Each part has a unique part number, and if there are multiple instances of the part in a single assembly they all have the same part number.

It is easy to go from assembly part to part number (open the relation editor and click on the part) but I know of no way, given the part number, to find the assembly part it corresponds to, aside from checking every part in the assembly. Does such a way exist?

You must be creating relations for part level dims in an assembly. Be careful, this creates additional parent child relationships and can make things difficult to sort out later when you forget where the relations are. :p

You've got the numbers reversed. The d3 is the dimension ID, the 12 is the session ID of the component the dimension belongs to. Even session IDs are parts, odd are assemblies. Session IDs are assigned as items are brought into memory. So the first assembly opened will get session ID 1, the first part session ID 2, and so on from there.

There's no way to directly find out what part session ID 12 is, but you can find out what session ID a given part has been assigned by going into the relation dialog and selecting Show > Session ID.

Lastly, I'd suggest adding comments to your relations describing what you're doing so you can more easily sort it out later. You can create comment lines in the relations dialog by starting the line with /* like this:

/* This sets the diameters of the two holes equal.​

Hope that helps.
I found where the relation-ID list is

In the relations editor (Icon looks like this: d=) click Show->Info

