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Possible to Increase Drawing Regen Speed?


New member
Are there any tips for increasing the speed of drawing regeneration in Catia V5 R14?

We have a relatively small assembly, however some of the component models are rather large (30-40MB). It takes us over an hour to refresh our assembly drawing. Similar sized models in V4 took about 1/4 of the time to refresh.

Any tips, tricks, techniques? This is a real productivity killer.
you can customise with simplified representaion.deactivating the hidden lines make regenearing fast.
sundevil98 said:
Are there any tips for increasing the speed of drawing regeneration in Catia V5 R14?

We have a relatively small assembly, however some of the component models are rather large (30-40MB). It takes us over an hour to refresh our assembly drawing. Similar sized models in V4 took about 1/4 of the time to refresh.

Any tips, tricks, techniques? This is a real productivity killer.

I Sundevil98, here is a few simple tips:

1-You can make approx representation like the previous poster said

2-You can only generate parts larger than a certain size. No need to show screws and rivets on a large assy drawing

Those 2 items can be done with:


and then you can select the first box to appproximate and the 3rd item to specify size of the smallest part you want to include in your view. (as default settings)

If your view is already done, you will have the same features in the view PROPERTIES under the view tab, 2 last items.

Best of luck


